Dwarf priest on PvE server looking for raiding guild

Hi All,

I’m a dwarf priest on a PvE server looking for a hardcore or semi-hardcore raiding guild. I am willing to transfer to any server.

I do not believe that hps parses are a strong indicator of healer performance but I have put up a top 60 world full MC parse. I have also healed 24 man MC and three healed ony.

I take criticism well and am looking for a group of players who are also constantly looking to improve.

If you feel that I may be a good fit for your guild please let me know!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

Hey there,

, Netherwind-PVP, is looking for a dw priest for remaining raid tiers in classic. Currently 8/8 BWL, with strong roster. We raid tues / thurs 8-11pm eastern. Msg me on discord yatze #0682

We need another dwarf priest, we raid mon Tue thur 10-1 pst, more info here

Hi there,

Room for Improvement on Azuresong (US) would be happy to have you! We’re 8/8 BWL and consider ourselves to be a semi-hardcore raiding guild that also emphasizes having an enjoyable and active community of players. If this sounds interested to you, feel free to message me on discord (SaltMcSnark#8425) for further guild and server information.

Hope to here from you soon!

Hello, my team in Triumvirate on Pagle is looking for a solid priest to round out our healer core. With pugs and not yet a full 40 we expect to easily close up 6/8 BWL on Monday after finishing Flamegor last night.

As I believe we’re on the same server, you can whisper Taben in game, or DM me on bnet CBTao#1380

We raid 8-10:30 (hard stop at 11) Tues Weds with an optional Monday, and are full transparent Loot Council.

Hi there! We’d be happy to have a dwarf priest. Please read our info and contact me if interested. GL in your search!


Looking for a highly-competent Alliance raiding guild on a more balanced PVP server? ThunderCats of Whitemaine server is recruiting for our West coast, Wednesday night raid. This semi-hardcore groups needs mele in particular and will consider dedicated raiders of all classes.

We full clear on Tuesday nights. We cleared BWL 8/8 on release night.

We’re a guild from Nostalrius server led by expert PVE and PVP leadership. Our most recent MC clear time was 44 mins. Wishlist loot system.

Interested? Contact Pixiestixie#1256 on battle.net

Thunder Cats, Hoooooooooooooo!

Incision on Herod would love to have you :slight_smile: Please add me Corbane#1411 and we can setup a chat on discord.

Hi All,

Apologies if my post was not clear, unfortunately I rolled on a PVE server so I cannot transfer to a PvP server :frowning: