Dwarf Hunter using a Bow?

You can Xmog into it, but you wont be getting quivers.

You could mog it into a bow. I mogged that sucker into being a better looking gun, instead of a horseā€¦um, a vacuum cleaner. Yeah, it also kind of looked like a vacuum cleaner.

You missed the point of my whining. Itā€™s stupid that BM Hunters canā€™t use appearances from the MM weapon and vice versa.

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I canā€™t really care about this because I didnā€™t like any of them. They range from ā€œmehā€ to really ugly.

Ah, the olā€™days of casting barrage with a gun equipped in a dungeonā€¦ the entire dungeon and the one in the next zone knew that a hunter was there.


That was some idiocy on blizzards side though. Iā€™m still annoyed I havenā€™t been able to use my skins at all this expansion since Iā€™ve been playing MM.

I thought that was me. Played one of my hunters breifly a few weeks and the silly thing sounded like a BB gun.


I have a dwarf hunter. I thought using guns was one of the racials abilities. I might be wrong. Itā€™s been a while since I played her.

Guess you never unlocked the hidden artifact appearance, then.

Same goes for NE Hunters using gunsā€¦


I exclusively use a bow. Doesnā€™t seem silly at all! MM Hunter here though.

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You can mog the Artifact Weapons now; they actually come with a quiver.

Back in vanilla and for the longest time after that my nelf used whatever weapon was the newest and most powerful he got his hands on, be it a gun, bow or x-bow. I just made sure all my shooting skills were at max just in case. Now with mogging i usually just make a gun for this worgen. Seems more fitting than any other type.

Are you serious?
Dwarfs are some of this best fiddle players in Azeroth.

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I am offended good sir D:<. Gun, bows or even crossbows work out great for us hunters.

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Yeah but its spec locked, unless the OP is playing as MM

True; Iā€™m MM, so Iā€™m kinda biasedā€¦ :slight_smile:

You have my eternal gratitude.

Bonuses to weapon type racials have not been a thing for a very long time

Longbows might be odd but whatā€™s wrong with crossbows? The iconic dwarf ranger from Pathfinder (Harsk) uses one.