Dwarf Customization--Let's Talk about these Glorious New Options

Meriweather is excitedly looking forward to her turn to level in SL as a green-haired war maiden decked out with tattoos and dark skin like a true Wildhammer.

Man, I wish they could be druids. The Wildhammer are druids and it would be so happy making.

Alas, she will have to persevere as a shaman, and I can’t wait to make her Wildhammer fabulous.

Mossy. Green. Hair.

I’m way happier about this than I should be. There’s been SO much obsession over the Thalassian elves that I feel the dwarven updates are being neglected in the social discourse on General Discussion.

I like:

  • The hair colors are phenomenal
  • The tattoo colors look great

I hope they’ll do more/better with:

  • Male face options. There aren’t any new ones with younger, less derpy/angry looks.
  • Male beards. I know. They’re already glorious, but I hope we get some new ones.
  • New female faces. There have never been very many female dwarf faces, and I’d like to have more distinct differences available.
  • Piercings. Right now, they’ve borrowed exclusively from the Dark Irons and added some feather “earring” options to indicate Wildhammer affinities with flight and gryphons. I like the additions, but I was hoping the piercings could look a little more polished.

What do you guys think?


I dont like that my dwarf shaman, who I’ve RP’d as a Wildhammer since Cata, wont get her own heritage armor.


Hopefully they add a second heritage quest to Dwarves in the future for Wildhammer heritage armor.

As for me, I’m torn between a Shaman or a Rogue. There are good mogs available in both Mail and Leather.


I would be RCing back to normal Dwarf if I wasn’t addicted to the mole machine. Those new customizations just make me… happy.

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True Wildhammer come screaming from the skies, throwing hammers brimming with lightning. None of this stealth nonsense.

The hunter one has me all aflutter, but I’m pretty sure it will remain hunter-exclusive. Sigh. I’d love to put my shaman in that set. It’s green and mossy-looking, which is perfect for the hunter, but it’s also perfect for a shamanistic goddess with green dreadlocks, feathers in her hair, and silver metallic tattoos covering every centimeter of her skin. /nod

Meriweather gon’ get a makeover.

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It’s not that a Wildhammer Rogue is hiding, they’re just too glorious to see until they let you behold them.

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Which hunter one are we talking, here?

You know in the character creation screen, there are class-specific “example” sets? Well, that class can mog those. The new one for hunters looks amaze to me.

All you have to do is create an Allied race of that class to add the mog set to your appearances. It took me longer than I’m confident admitting to figure that out.

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This one, right?

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YES. Thank you for posting it. Is that not fabulous?


All of the character creation armors are armors already in game. Thats the Shrinebreaker mail armor from the Broken Shore world quests. Its not class restricted.

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I thought I recognized that belt!

Edit: Here’s a link for anyone interested.

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Thank you! I didn’t know that (didn’t play Legion current)!

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I realize I’m necro’ing this thread and I’m sorry, But I asked this question myself in a separate thread just after the Prepatch dropped, and nobody’s answered it.

I’ve been doing Broken Shore WQ now for three months and haven’t gotten a single piece of the Shrinebreaker set to drop for my Hunter.

Is it still dropping at random or is there another source ?

I don’t know, Lorién, but I’ve had the same issue. Back when they told me this, I went to try and get it. Never saw a single piece drop and gave up on it.

i like the new customizations, but i wish some of the male tattoos/warpaints/etc could be used on the lady-dwarves too. like… i dunno, they just don’t cover the face the same way.

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Agreed. On my shaman, I chose the Aerie Peak one because it covers the face “loudly” enough to be seen, but it would be great if we had access to more of the male patterns.

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i started a dwarf for fun and was sad to see the beards/staches still need more options.

still ended up with the amish looking dwarf.

at least you can make bald night elves now , i guess.

More beard customizations wouldn’t be bad. Women folk sure could use a few more options…hic!