A soldier, a service member, an unwavering steady hand of the mighty alliance now sifts though his slow and methodical thoughts.
His exhausted body tells the story of each day lived on Azeroth.
He sits in the open, in the center of a very small village, beneath a cool night sky.
Aqua colored, luminescent reflections of the healing pool give a nice ambience to the scenario.
After gazing into the pool for what seemed like hours, he eventually found himself at total peace. He was lid down on his back at the pools edge now. Somewhere between awake and asleep. Total, inner, peace.
For reasons beyond comprehension or measure he begins to stand.
Mid-way, he holds strong. Frozen in place. Head faced to the ground.
On one knee. No thought. No emotion. Only here and now.
He pushes himself from the ground to a standing position.
It felt like lifting 700 stone on his back.
His energy returns in quick moderation and his body picks up momentum as he mounts his charcoal black horse, lights a torch and picks up right back where he left off.
Back on duty.
He scouts the dark corners of the village, with vigilance, patrolling the roads, looking for villagers who might need aid, looking for any signs of aggressors who may threaten this peaceful little abode.
I leave you with a famous quote:
“All in all is all we are”