Duskwood Improv Theatre is a progression-focused, relaxed but not quite casual guild.
We made it to 6/9 HM this tier with a strong core of 16 people and filling our remaining slots each week with pugs.
We’re a tight-knit, but welcoming bunch of people who just enjoy playing nostalgic and challenging content with good people. Currently seeking strong Ranged DPS to fill our remaining slots.
We raid Sunday nights at 7:30 EST/Server time for about 4 hours. Our raids typically involve both goofy conversation and serious raid feedback and strategizing throughout the night to ensure we have fun while still moving through content.
My Battletag if you’d like to get a hold of my for further information or interest is Timmy#1722
Hope to hear from you soon!
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Bump! We are pretty cool if i do say so myself…
Competent ranged DPS? So we are incompetent ranges DPS currently?
Doh, okay I might be incompetent. Nothing to see here, move along.
“Casual”, fun good people tho who can definitely push good content with enough people.
Pls bring some new big pumpers tho to help me carry this Priest. My back hurts I NEED HELP!!!
Bumping this: check out the guild page on WCL for what we are recruiting to push 25m HMs / 10m (eventually 25m) algalon prog. Casuals and sweaties alike are welcome
BIG BUMP. Have fun get loot profit?
Hello there! Are you guys still interested in “competent” ranged DPS? I might be who you are looking for! Feel free to pst me in game on Imrik or Morrathi, or my discord Gorbelshorp#2690. Hope to speak soon!
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We’re still searching for strong ranged DPS players!
As the tier comes to an end we managed to clear quite a bit of content (6/9HM) without ever filling our core roster.