Hey All,
[H]Dusk to Dawn 7/10H just moved from [Blackrock] and we are looking for more raiders to continue H progression.
-Raid times: W/TH 5:30pm-7:30pm/Sat 7pm-10pm PST.
What we are looking for:
-Healer: H/Disc Priest/Pally (High priority)
-Tank: Bear/War/Pally (Lower priority)
-DPS: War/DK/Ret/Shammy/Boomkin/Hunter (High priority)
Very open to discussing with other class/specs that are not listed above. More importantly looking for good players who know their classes.
Guild is made of AOTC focused raiders who have been playing together since Wrath/Cata. The focus is AOTC before the next tier, and have a good time while doing it. The group played Wrath-WoD (AOTC every raid tier) and we took the last 2 expansions off. So far we have been enjoying CN, but looking for progression minded players.
Feel free to reach out for more info- we are always happy to figure out if we mesh and get a trial run in as well!
Bnet: Teamfdub#1382