Duroz Scaletaker

<A ruby whelp lands near Durozs’ leg, curls up, and begins to drift off to sleep>


im still up in my feels about that questline


I really enjoy little hidden questlines like this that exist just to tell a story.

Help a new(ish) player out: was Duraz a notable named character back in the day, or is he a stand-in for the Dragonmaw orc survivors?

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I bet you Duroz’s last thoughts were

“I wonder how much this whelpling would fetch me at the next Dragonmaw slave auction”

He was never seen prior to Dragonflight as far as I know, and I’ve been playing since vanilla. He seems to be more along the lines of the latter, an elderly Dragonmaw veteran who is remorseful of his days in the Old Horde.

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