Durotar 8.2.5 datamined

Only found Zekhan’s model is attached to 8.2.5 war campaign.

Just finding theories that Zekhan will die because the horde can tell Sylvanas that Zekhan is a traitor as Zekhan is sent to Orgrimmar so this is likely where my information was knotted. Sorry for the bad theory.

I’m bored so I’m gonna do some wild, off the wall spitballing.

Whereas every other Warfront has been Horde vs. Alliance, given the current state of things (and Feasel’s comment that “the revolution will not be datamined”) I could see a potential Warfront: Durotar instead being Alliance + Horde rebels vs. Sylvanas and her loyalists. But how they’d handle the Warfront switching hands I have no idea.

Would the Horde and Alliance take turns beating down Orgrimmar’s gate? Would they drop the idea of the Warfront changing hands and just let Horde and Alliance queue together?? Or maybe Sylvanas’ forces would gain the upper hand every other week, and that would be reflected in the environment somehow???

If (and it’s a big if) that’s what it is, I have no idea how they’d handle it.

The cemetery might be apart of the Horde finale where the Horde honors all the dead or something.

its new as i dont think orgrimmar had a cemetery

I’m partly excited about Durotar honestly. As an orc we’ve had like no lore after Mists. Plenty of orcs but not actual Durotar lore. We might be doing a Mists repeat but at least that’s something.

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Not until we have this monsters’ head.

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You RPers are delightful.


Ew. Gross. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

Can I get a bus shock pls?

Don’t forget, Jaina still has her flying ghost ship.

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Not when the Alliance has a Shaman that can build a Kul-Tiran battleship in half a day.

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there is a high chance that ship was destroyed in nazj.
only 1 ship is not enough for a full scale assault.

Now, if the kultiran fleet can be rebuilded considerable faster than the zandalari like that carpinter that could build 1 in just a day… yeah.

I’d say there’s almost zero chance of that considering A. It flies, so if it was in the Alliance fleet in that scene, you would have noticed. And B. It flies. So it wouldn’t have fallen in with the rest of the fleet.

Blizzard wouldn’t destroy that ship off screen anyway.

It’s big enough for a Warfront. The Horde assaults Arathi with one airship. And the Proudmoore Flagship is a hell of a lot bigger than a normal ship.


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