Durotan! LIsten to my album!

I used to play on this server in 2006. Some of you old timers may rememebr me. I had a guild called Oblivion and I was the guild master, made a lot of riends and had MANY GOOD TIMES in Ventrilo which I ran and paid for, or some other members paid for the ventirlo and helped out, I don’t remmeb er it was SO long ago!

Anyways, glad to be here. I want to share my album with as many people as possible. This reocrd, is strickly heavy metal! INspired by death and metallica as they are both huge influences on my writing.

One thing to ntoe: I am deaf in my right ear, and the reverb was panned just to ther left side, the sdie I can hear in, as I can’t hear in stereo and I don’t have speaker monitors, only a headset that is a studio monitr to hear the reocrding as it is natrually.

You can see my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@nikkolaizeph2169

You van see my playlists here: https://www.youtube.com/@nikkolaizeph2169/playlists

I am also a gamer as you can see I have an account with World of Warcraft. I have not playead WoW in some time, but I used to p[lay WoW every day and had an active subscription. I am doing a playthrough of Resident Evil 4 on my youtube channel, and there ar emany gaem playthroughs on my channel now which you can also check out.

You can watch my playhthrough of RE4 Here:

thought i woudl put this in here too - iuts the acutal game not just a cartoon pic depicting it - cheers re45!! yeah!!! go!!! wooo hooo !

I hope you enjoy “He, You, And I” My new heavy metal mastperpiece. Cheers DUrotan and Ysera ( was in the server before the merge!) Stay cool

  • Nikko B1. A
1 Like

Weren’t you Greenz’ bank alt or Arena partner for s0 glad or something like that? I would have opened with that mate. Greenz is the ultimate god of warcraft, everyone knows that.
cool album tho. keep up the good work.