Hey Cabraboi How is things going?
Of course we went PVE server…I tried PVP server once…the Stranglethorn journey wasnt pleasant hehe. Remulos it is and of course we once again have the guild tag
Its good to be home!
Hey Cabraboi How is things going?
Of course we went PVE server…I tried PVP server once…the Stranglethorn journey wasnt pleasant hehe. Remulos it is and of course we once again have the guild tag
Its good to be home!
Oh jeez, okay. I think I played Durotan only in Vanilla, by the time BC came out I was elsewhere. BUT.
My character’s name was Brionna, night elf hunter.
I was in a guild but can’t for my life remember what it was called.
That’s all I really remember.
T-ron is doing well these days, unfortunately he won’t be playing classic =(
Name: Gralt
Class: Human Warrior
Guild: Unguilded for the rank 14 grind, later joined EO toward the end of progression, then join vL until server transferring to Alpha-Ysera.
A lot of names I still recognize from all that loafing in IF. Where are my boys Mudstomp and Bertie??
Many of us are playing here on Classic Pagle. Same name, same class.
Crystaline NE Rogue
Team Panda Bear
Defenders of Valhalla - until we (Cowbell) Left and then wiped your in-game meeting with a dragon…
Needs More Cowbell
House of Exuent
Stigmati NE Priest
Erkejeger NE Warrior
Looking for:
Misha, druid who was in Nightcrawlers/Illumination before they left due to Naxx lag
Everyone from Needs More Cowbell - Jbean, Smockstack, Raikodin
Anyone from HoE
Additionally, guilds from BC and Wrath:
Chaotic Good
Prime Time
Dark Endeavor
So many familiar names!
Potatoe - 60 Paladin
Doobiesnacks - 60 Warlock
Hey guys, say hello to Ricca from us too (Potatoe and Doobiesnacks). Miss the old 59 bracket warsong matches. Hope you are all well.
Name: Apollo
Race: Human Paladin
Guild: Slayerz of Oz
I miss you Aussie’s! Hopefully some of you are here
I don’t know if anyone remembers me. My name is Pickles and I used to be a part of The Crimson Blade and Slayers of Oz.
Amongthemist - Priest
Shadowwalker - Rogue
LoL, Volition, Defiant and Alpha.
Rolled on Pagle as a warlock (Engulf) this time.
I see many names from many years ago.
Hey Helior. I sorta remember you from Phanta, but Ricca was one of my all time great friends in game and one of the people I hoped to run into most. I would be forever in your debt if you pass along that she can contact me at Columbo#1102 (still on Durotan) so I can get in contact with her. Likewise if she knows how to contact Avi, Tavi or Beachbumming.
Well well well. A bunch of fellow Nostalgia addicts.
OG Forum Troll
14 year vet of Chi Cerca Trova. Still there. Play a little each xpac.
I can be reached at Columbo#1102 on bnet. Avi/Tavi and Gralt this means you in particular. There’s like 15 names here I’ve been hoping to see for years. There’s a long list of people I’d love to have on my facebook list:
and of course the party doesn’t start until Iruga gets here.
just off the top of my head but honestly seeing so many people I’d lost track of has me a little dizzy.
If I don’t answer that bnet message Viento has my facebook and he can def give it to you.
Rolled on Page as Human/Paladin named Colombo (somebody stole my name)
Hey Columbo. I remember you. Ricca kept playing (as did Avi/Tavi/Beach) long after I shifted to other games/servers/alts. I’ll point her your way. She’s not playing now, but who knows. Have fun
lol… Bait and switch… You and Avi. Fun times. This is a rl friend of Ricca’s. I think I was on Louziffer (warrior) with you, but I honestly can’t remember. Could have been Atoned (priest). Either way… I remember leveling by turning in tokens and having PvP mounts.
Sure will! Good to see you.
yo goose its Artax
yo Cal! its Artax from Eon/Monolith add me Tax23#1945
Sup everyone,
I played as Alicia (NE Rogue) and my alt Fiora (NE Druid)
Obviously lost those names due to gaps in playing.
Trying to recall the guilds I was in:
Draconic Order, though I recall at one point a few of our members joined Ebon Order, for more high end raiding.
I was in Ascendant, and then I believe we merged/turned into The Highbourne (I forget if that was run by Nikitabanana, or if he eventually ran it; but I notice his name up here). I think we merged with another guild shortly before I quit (to play on my bro’s server, and to go to college shortly after before TBC).
Just to name some, I’d be curious if there are any folks around that I recall:
Nikitabanana, Tyrella, Keiko, Northpaladin, Pratt, Ashlynn.
I do remember the Slayers of Oz folks, always friendly. I think we had a couple people from them join us here and there on alts.
Thegreatness - Human Paladin - Knights of the Shadows
Kratosse - Night Elf Hunter - Knights of the Shadows
Names: Grimkiller (Human Paladin), Grimmortal (Human Warrior) , Grimini (Gnome Mage)
Guilds: Nightcrawlers, Illumination
I’m playing horde on Faerlina, but if anyone I played with back in the day wants to chat feel free to add my btag Grimmortal#1645