Durability paper doll is missing (Classic)

Here is a strange one for you detectives. My durability paper doll is missing. Was running around half naked before I realized my gear was breaking and the durability notice was not showing. I have no addons, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Still not showing.

The only way for me to get it back is to run the following code, and then it shows up under the map, pinned to the lower right side.

/script DurabilityFrame:SetPoint(“CENTER”, UIParent, “CENTER”, 0, 0) if not DurabilityFrame:IsShown() then DurabilityFrame:Show() end

Could try resetting your CVars (cannot be undone)

/console cvar_default

That said, I’m not seeing one jumping out at me that could be the cause, but you’ve done everything else catastrophic already.


Did you check with EditMode where you have it placed by default?

If you had an addon that used EditMode to move it then removing the addon won’t automatically set it back to its default position.

Maybe a reset of EditMode and moving things around again.

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I should have mentioned this was Classic. Sorry! Edited the title.

Unfortunately, cvar reset did not change anything.

I just installed Moveany so that I could view where the frame was. It is in the right place. There is just no paper doll there. Only thing that makes it show is that script.

I’m wondering, are there certain items that do not trigger the paper doll? I’m wearing Stormwind Guard Leggings and they are red. 0/50 durability. Possible that items is just not triggering the paper doll?! That’s a reach, but I’m out of ideas.

You could try running:

/run for index, value in pairs(INVENTORY_ALERT_STATUS_SLOTS) do print(index, INVENTORY_ALERT_COLORS[GetInventoryAlertStatus(index)]) end

If all the indexes show with nil beside them then the frame won’t show because it thinks it has no alerts to display.

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5 table: 0000025D9C2978B0

1-4 and 6-11 were nil

It should show. What about (assuming you haven’t repaired everything)

/run DurabilityFrame:GetScript("OnEvent")(DurabilityFrame, "UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS")

The alerts should be updated and the frame shown if alert exist (might need a /reload if the frame is shown). (1.14 Classic Era)

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That doesn’t display the paper doll … BUT… it does make the paper doll disappear if I forced it to display via the script in my OP.

That means it thinks nothing is damaged or I guess nothing that is worn has damage.

You could also check

/run print("Show =", DurabilityFrame:GetAttribute("panel-show"), "Force =",  DurabilityFrame:GetAttribute("panel-force"), "Hide =",  DurabilityFrame:GetAttribute("panel-hide"))

If the show is not set but hide is then somthing is setting that attribute to force a hide.

Options get a bit thin after that.

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Yep, seems that way.

I’m struggling to parse out the logic on this one. The item is red. But the paper doll doesn’t display. If I check alert status, it shows the item as alerted. If I force the paper doll to display, it shows the red item.

The only theory I’m left with is that this item has a bugged alert. I suppose my next test could be to go grind mobs till another item breaks and see if that changes anything.

Any other ideas or thoughts?

And thank you, btw, you’ve been incredibly helpful.

Show = nil Force = nil Hide = nil

If the leggings are part of a set they may not show when separated (worn individually I guess) and the only damaged things being worn.

/run local show = 0 for index, value in pairs(INVENTORY_ALERT_STATUS_SLOTS) do if value.showSeparate then show = show + 1 end end print("show", show)
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The leggings are a solo quest reward (Hogger). And I just killed mobs till another item turned yellow, and the paper doll still didn’t appear. Only I force it via the script. And then it goes away when I reload the UI or log out/in.

I’m stumped. Opened up a support ticket.

This seems like way more time and effort than just installing an addon/wa to track your durability instead.

I get the principal of the thing but…

Do we even know that the paper doll should display by default in the current version of Classic?

Admittedly I didn’t spend time getting hit but unless the PostionManager places it off screen then technically, as far as I can see, it should.

But then again, technically, as far as I can see, if a slot gets coloured in DurabilityFrame_SetAlerts , it should show the frame but apparently (presumning a slot was still damaged enough in the test above) , it hid the frame so???

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Found someone else that is experiencing the same thing…

And I’m talking to some people in game right now that have the same thing happening to them. So it would seem like this is a bug that goes beyond just me.

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It’s only going to show if you have 5 or less of x durability points left on an item. Any more than that and the colour table lookup doesn’t return anything to indicate a damaged item.

So, it’s not a sliding scale, the frame only shows on item has “truck loads of damage” or item is “totaly broken”.

I have the same issue, didn’t notice when it started but my paper doll dosen’t show. I can get it to show with a script but as soon as i repair a single piece of armor it disappears. I tried disabling all my addons and even erasing my WTF folder but not fix. im just using another addon to track my d…

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Even when my bow was completely broken (red on the character stat screen), the durability icon was not appearing. I have a screenshot.

https ://i.imgur.com/6iM4S3m.jpeg