Duo leveling or group, looking for members!

Hello everyone, I’m looking for a leveling buddy to enjoy the vanilla content with when classic wow is released. My plan is to negotiate a suitable time(s) and arrange days during the week, so we can work around our schedules. Consequently, my intention is to create a more bearable vanilla experience, because the grind is rather tedious at times.

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I’ll level with you every day.

I’m pleased to hear! I’ll likely be working full time, but willing to put in a commitment. What class do you think you’ll be playing?

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I’m going to start with Warrior, I have a dedicated healer set to go. We probably have a lot to choose from to be honest. I’m retired so I can work with whatever your schedule is. We are going to have lots of options.

That’s wonderful news, I’m going to roll mage. We still have to decide on a faction. What is your preference?

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As much as I love the Horde, we are rolling Alliance on a PVP server for the challenge. There is a lot of discussion on this, but most of the top Guilds are Horde, so with that in mind we want to bring glory to the Alliance!!!

For the Alliance!

Sounds good, I’m looking forward to the challenge and the day we can fight valiantly! Message me your battletag so we can keep in contact or if you know of a better method let me know.

For the Alliance!

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Maxxgold#1846 I’ll send you the Discord after I’m done watching the game.

Wish I could commit to leveling with someone it feels impossible for me though.


Same. They said they’re logging in at 3pm. It’s now 3:10pm. TOO LATE I’M GOING ALONE.

And yeah I understand you probably can’t commit because of a schedule, not because of being an azs like me.


It really depends on the group you immerse yourself with. I can say it’s impossible simply because it’s convenient for me to say so. A solution would be to level a alt with others and while waiting for members log on to the main character. Some people level specific classes that are good at acquiring gold or work on professions in the meantime. There is so much to do in vanilla.


If you guys need a home just let me know. We can work out a leveling schedule for you. I can post events for the times you want to level and see how many people can level at those times.

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You can always just sloot it up and go wild leveling with everyone.

I’m actually going to be a 5 box scumlord in Classic so I’ll be playing alone.

This account and my reddit account are both being retired when Classic launches so I don’t mind admitting my sins here lol

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This seems odd to me.
I guess I can understand the desire to be self sufficient, not have to worry about trying to stay on the same level/objectives with someone else.
To me it seems more fun and interesting to group with people in an MMO, more in the spirit of the type of game.
In any event, I wish you well on your journey. ^.^

Did we just become best friends?


Do you wanna do Karate in the garage?


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I’m doing it for no reason other than gold. I will still be grouping with people for dungeons unless I can’t find a group.

I also will not be fighting back on all 5 boxes on PVP servers if I get attacked, because multibox PVP is kind of where I draw the line. I will defend my group with one character, and if that character dies, the other 4 are bonus kills.

Haha pure gold! Classic film for a classic forum.

Are you still looking for ppl to lvl with when classic comes out?