I see a lot of pairs out in the world doing various content and it got me thinking (shocking, I know!). It seems like a lot of people play this game with a buddy or a spouse or bf/gf. In my guilds I’ve noticed a lot of players tend to play with one other player for most of the time they are on.
Pandaria had some cool 3-man content with scenarios and BFA as well with the island expeditions.
How much of the population do you think plays the game often (or mostly even) as a duo?
Do you?
Would it be cool if they introduced more content that was designed for 2-player groups?
Seeing a lot of solo vs group stuff being discussed on the forums, and wanted to see what people think of sort of in between content. I know duos are technically a group, but 2 players is a world of difference between 5 players or raids.
City of Heroes has scaling instances. It was based on the number of people in your party (between 1 and 8). In addition to this, players could adjust the overall game difficulty to make instances more difficult or easier. The instance would be attuned to whatever the party leader had their difficulty set at.
I’d love content that my partner and I could tackle together without worrying about fielding an entire party.
I mean, sometimes we will queue for a BG or LFR or something…but I’m always just in a group of 2 with my partner. If they aren’t on, I don’t play. If I’m playing, it’s just the two of us.
More duo/trio content would be great, me and my two besties could do the fun stuff without having to pick up randos. It’s what got us to try the arena, even though we are not huge fans of pvp.
The real problem is that it might not be challenging enough for some people taste. Mist of Pandaria tried something similar with scenario and i think it was not popular enough to continue making it as group content. Now its only stuff that appear during story solo quest.
That one, idk. Would be very hard to get a real stat on that.
Yeop, sure do. I tank/heal, and my SO plays his dps toons. I have another account active, if we need another toon to bring in for something that we’re doing (usually for achievement stuffs or sumpin).
Yeah true. I doubt we will ever see those numbers. I’m sure Blizzard could look at percentages of players solo vs. in pairs vs. in 5 man groups. I’m really curious now to know those ratios.
That is actually a good one. Of of the few things left I do in SL is duo Torghast with my GF.
Transmog runs of old raids and dungeons is another good 2-person activity. Some of the boss mechanics are a lot easier if you have a second person. Twice the drops too.
One things I’m running into currently is wishing I could invite my GF to my Pandaria farm and vice versa. We figured out how to do it with our garrisons, but the farm seems off-limits to friends.
It would be cool to see some kind of 2 player adventures
I bet a ton of people mostly play with one other person
Solo players could easily queue for it too to find other solo players
Island expeditions and warrants could have been actual proper endgame scenarios but people complained nonstop about them soo blizzard saw them as a failure. All they needed to do is make islands scale more and drop proper loot, and make war fronts an actual challenge or make them pvp.
Even if they put in some really cool duo content I’m sure the forum Debbie-Downers would complain endlessly too. I wonder what shape those complaints would take.