Dunno where else to put this

How does one put the links to a YouTube video without having to embed it? I’ve seen people just post a video and not have to embed it…

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It used to be anyone could embed a youtube video. They changed it. Now you have to belong to a secret club.


You need trust level 3. Here’s a guide to it.

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I’m not part of that club anymore either.

You can post links without them embedding by putting three ` either side of them.


My feeling is that the youtube restriction (which didn’t used to be linked to trust levels) was changed because too many people embedded informative videos about the game.

It used to be a TL2 thing but they made it TL3. All that accomplished was making it so people at TL2 had nothing to lose for misbehaving. :woman_shrugging:

I dunno if I can be TL3 at all…permanent, right?

You have to be very active for a long time.