I just did Dire Maul while leveling and all of the mobs were stationary. They had no pathing to us and vice versa. We could only fight them if every one was right next to them. I’ll edit this post if it happens again as I’ll test it out some more.
Wish we could still report bugs ingame, seems silly to have to come here for it all.
Dire Maul is still undoable right now due to the mobs being unable to path to you. It’s been broken for three days now.
Yup, you can run past mobs and kill bosses, but at the end you can’t reach the last one.
Apparently all sides of Dire Maul have pathing issues and are undoable.
Naturally, My first random dungeon today was Dire Maul Capitol Gardens, and after a 30 minute penalty for leaving the group, the second random dungeon was Dire Maul Warpwood Quarter. So another penalty because the dungeon is bugged. Yay.
Now on day four and while leveling up, I get the same Dire Maul dungeon twice in a row, the one that cannot be completed.
I understand bugs happen, but do they do basic Q&A when they release their patches? This is unplayable.
I understand it takes time to finish, but it’s almost a week later. I have three accounts, so I like to level a lot of alts. I do that a lot by dungeon leveling Classic dungeons because I enjoy the older ones much more.
I’ve had to intentionally avoid the entire Cataclysm Timewalking leveling due to a huge chunk of dungeons having pathing issues. It isn’t just Dire Maul, some of it is also in BRD and a few others.
Having new players get tossed into a dungeon and their experience is mobs being unattackable isn’t going to leave a very good first impression and a 30 minute dungeon deserter debuff because you can’t attack most mobs unless the entire group stands within melee range.
I’m also having this issue. Can’t complete, can’t get the achievements.
Just experienced this in Blackrock Depths. The entire Emp room has no pathing. Even Emp just sat there and evade bugged all day
Yea its not just Dire Maul; As stated above you get the same issue in BRD Upper city (don’t know about prison/detention) and Clear water (Princess) Maraudon.
Kinda silly that its happening. Anyone know of a non-classic dungeon that is having this issue?
I’m having the same problem. Patch 9.0.5 seems to have broken several classic dungeons, rendering them unplayable.
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Even after a 4 hour maintenance window, none of the leveling dungeons have been worked on or fixed. I still can’t choose Classic dungeons in my leveling dungeon rotation because you can’t complete many of them still.
This is utterly RIDICULOUS.
This isn’t a minor glitch, it’s legitimately rendering the dungeons impossible to complete. Mobs and bosses teleport back and forth, evade-bugging, falling through the floor, resetting their HP to full, forcing an unwinnable combat. Sometimes they zip into entirely new packs of mobs and none of them can be damaged.
Worse, if it’s the first boss we all get the deserter debuff for leaving a broken dungeon we can’t finish.
I really want to level my warlock through my favourite classic dungeons, and it’s super nice to quest through Elwynn, Westfall and Duskwood while DPS queued.
For a game-breaking bug, I was really hoping this would be fixed by now. D:
I ran through Dire Maul Capital Gardens and Warpwood Quarter last night and encountered no glitched mobs. This might be fixed!