Dungeons Used to Be Fun Before "Speedrun" Dungeon Queues

Trust me Dungeon 10+ above are fun to play.

It just the ilv gearring system at shadowland that ruined entry player dungeons such as normal heroic M0 , and M+ belowe 10 not fun due to ilv power.

But if u play above 10 its Fun to play.
Just Grind it make ur gears 4 set and 2 291 leggo with ilv 260 then enjoy the games.

No because speed runs were a thing if you were doing content back in the day.

Keep up with the group. If the tank is dodging pats it’s because the group doesn’t need them and they’re being skipped.

New players should be starting out in +2’s and moving up organically/or getting carried until they get the hang of the content, the way the system was designed to be played. For instance, I started in BC and didn’t do my first raid (the only real PVE challenge content there was at the time) until Naxx in LK was current. I had to hard farm dungeons, save up forever to buy a Titansteel Destroyer from the AH, etc. (Everything I could do to get raid ready).

Then I had to seek out a noob raiding guild that would take me, and we gradually learned to play together until we had Naxx on farm. I can assure you the current game design is much less taxing on new players than any xpac prior to BFA.

I just started M+ this week, I’ve kept my key at a 6 because I’m just starting out, don’t know the mechanics, and have no business pushing up and possibly messing up someone’s run until I learn.

I’ve downgraded my key 3 times this week because I know I’m not ready to move up yet.


People have essentially always speedrun dungeons. Just back then pople wete soo bad that the didnt actually know how their class operated.
The people that did know how their classes functioned did blast through those dungeons very quickly.

At the end of the day dungeons have become easy at the low end (aka the irrelevant normal/heroic level) and actually challenging at higher levels.
Basically what im saying is do the actual challenging gameplay, along with maybe not doing normal dungeons in the last 2 weeks of a season…

If your losing threat in retail you are a bad tank. Otherwise it took all of one dungeon in classic to remember to eait 5 seconds before dps and thats only without a prot pally.

ok we get it you’ve never run keys with decent fury/ret players

Ret has never been known as a bursty spec /s

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Burst is exactly what they doo right now.

I assume this is a meme?

Yall, “/s” is internet speak for I’m being sarcastic.

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Yeah, just a tad lol.

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decent fury/ret players are not bursting on pull and really there is no other reason to be losing aggro.

Press F to doubt

No, he’s right. Problem being that decent fury/ret players are 1/1,000,000