Dungeons change my spec?

I’m a Protection Paladin when I’m outside dungeons but whenever I go into a dungeon it changes me to a Retribution Paladin. It also clears half my side spell bar and changes the bottom spell bar to match the spec spells. I’ve run Deadmines and Blackfathom Deeps and both times it did this. I just submited a ticket but would like to know if this has happend to anyone else before and if there is anything I can do to fix it without having to wait a month for Bliz to look into it???

Ok I just ran another Paladin and this time it was Holy. It did the same thing. Changed me to Ret!!!

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Are you choosing damage spec (the sword icon) when you queue up for dungeons? If so, you will automatically be switched to your retribution spec when you enter the dungeon. If you want to be prot spec in a dungeon you’ll have to select the shield icon when you queue up.

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I’ve never had it do this before. Is this some new crap? It’s dumb :frowning:
Yes I chose the sword.
Are there any other classes that this happens to? I swear it’s never happend before and I’ve run dps ALL the time with any character I play regardless of class/spec. Is this a new “feature”?


I think it’s new. I read on the patch notes, that if you queue for a dungeon as a certain spec, you are switched to that spec for that run.

I think it’s great, if you are gonna DPS, queue as DPS. I’m tired of seeing players cheese the system.

  • Battle for Azeroth dungeons now automatically change you to a spec that matches the role you chose when you queued.

It’s a feature, I accidentally queued on my paladin and didn’t notice the tank box was checked, queue popped and I’m looking at empty bars.

Basically if you select more than one role, whichever one is needed is the one you will zone in as and you can’t switch it in the dungeon. I ended up dropping the group after apologizing for my mistake because obviously if I am tank, the DPS is all present and accounted for in that particular group.

No, you’ve always had to select a role when signing up for the dungeon finder. However, some classes can only serve one role (for example, hunters can only dps) so you don’t have to select anything different. When you play a multi-role class like Paladin you’ll need to queue up for the role you want to serve by selecting the one or more appropriate options. If you only want to tank then only select the shield. If you want to tank OR heal, then you can select the shield or the cross symbols, and you’ll be switched depending on the role you will serve.

I think there was a time after the dungeon finder was originally implemented (years ago) when it wouldn’t switch your spec automatically, but it’s been this way for a while now.


So I can no longer play as a Pro or Holy Pally if I dps dungeons? This has got to be new like Thundertotem showed. I’ve run a Pro Pally as dps before. New to the Holy Pally though. This is junk. So much for playing the Pally Bliz. Thanks for ruining one of my favorite classes :frowning:

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No…you can thank the players who would cheese the system to get better queues. I cannot count the MANY times a player would queue as a Tank or Heal then only would DPS for faster queues.

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ANY class/spec should be able to dps. I don’t tank or heal so I only dps. No clue how to do the other 2 and don’t care to. Thanks for the info though Thundertotem. I appreciate it.

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if you solo and wanna hamstring yourself, that’s fine. But don’t do it in a PuG. That’s what VtK is for and the new queue system.

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How is playing dps hamstringing anyone?
Newb question. What’s VtK stand for?

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I’m not gonna explain the difference of DPS between Ret, Holy or Prot Paladins, there’s a forum for that. If you are not gonna bring your “best” to my runs don’t waste my time queueing up.

VtK means Vote to Kick


You can change your talents back to the one you like, inside the dungeon.
Currently 7Feb2021
Though some people while about it, if you do that.

Thanks for the info, I will try this as it has happened to me on occasion also…I thought that the icons you choose were only for show, but I’m a newbee…:slight_smile:

I just switch it back to the one I want inside the dungeon.

it’s because blizzard likes to create chaos in its game to give all their little friends jobs. You know the ol maintenance scam, keeping things broken to ensure you always have a job… they also just keep cramming more and more content into the game and never repair old known bugs. Customer service is a joke and so is blizzard.