Joined a maraudon last night where they were on the last boss (Theradas) and had ran past every mob to get to her because they all evaded attacks. The boss itself would start evading towards the end and would reset so was unable to kill. Just joined a Dire Maul with the same issue, all mobs evaded and bosses could be downed but would evade randomly. Talking to the tree who breaks the door didn’t do anything so couldn’t finish that dungeon either.
I was in Dire Maul Warpwood Quarter and the same thing occurred to me. Everybody had to leave given nothing could be hit, and it even transported us into the corridor leading to Lethtendris and onwards, bypassing the whole entrance, quest givers and Pusilin. Everybody was confused.
So far I’ve confirmed pathing issues with:
- All of Dire Maul
- final boss in Maraudon (Earthsong Falls)
- final boss in Blackrock Depths (Upper City)
Others have reported the same issue with:
- Wailing Caverns
- Scarlet Monastery
- Serpentshrine Cavern
I think its more of a floor issue, because when the mobs start evading some of them fall through the floor, and as a dh i cant infernal strike the ground ANYWHERE. Also im noticing other players kinda “blink”? in and out of existance when walking in certain areas, those same areas i cant target for ground effects.
Just had this issue in Maraudon as well. Trash on the final leg and boss were unkillable.