Dungeon kick timer

I was on my lvl 34 hunter, doing a timewalking. We get to the entrance to the halls that lead towards Balnazzar. I was kicked from the grp and given 30mins lockout. Here is my issue, i was with the group and right behind the mage when i was kicked. I reached out and asked her if she knew why i was, she told me the reason was listed as Afk. How am i afk if i am right behind the group doing damage and helping. This problem of tanks randomly booting players for fun or to be mean isn’t cool and really makes me not want to play. so now i lost out on 2 bronze tokens and experience all cause someone didn’t like my dps numbers in a TIMEWALKING. Blizzard please remove the lockout timers on timewalking thats not fair to those of us who are helping and subject to rude tanks.

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4 things

No developers here nor will they see it.

2.u want dungeon raids scenarios if u want them to see it.

  1. The deserter debuff been around for years with very little change the odds of it going bye bye are pretty much zilch.
  2. If u want to avoid getting kicked run with friends.
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well switched it thank you, i know the debuff has been around for awhile, but the person who makes the false claim and gets someone who is actively helping what they que’d for kicked, should be held accountable, cause like i said now i missed out on the experience, the bronze tokens and was locked for 30mins. Thats now right.

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