Dungeon Finder

Imagine not understanding how polling 3rd party sites and confirmation bias work

tell that to all the data analyst groups that do this for a living based off social media data.

how ignorant.

also for confirmation bias to exist i would have to be in an echo chamber… as there is no “pro rdf” groups for me to join to skew any algo’s, it’s ridiculous you try and conflate it into your argument.

Oh its simple, you subconsciously hold on to a position you know you cant defend and why you cant defend it, and you project that logical insecurity on other people to make youself feel like your position is just as stable as other peoples. If you believe my statments hold no weight you feel less insecure about how scrutable the polls youre referencing or the problems they have. If you accuse me of holding a position i dont with as little evidence as your opinion it makes you feel more secure in the amount of evidence you do have. These things are common terms for a reason, people do them, and youre a pretty textbook example.

Link please?

exactly, you proved my point… your words not holding weight to me because you have no relevance to me is not projection…

nice try.

I do have relevance to you, youve spent the better part of 10 minutes actively, willingly participating in getting embarrassed by me.

For some reason your post was flagged and censored. But its true. I’ve played WoW since May of 2005. Have been a fan of the Warcraft IP since Warcraft Orcs and Humans. Basically, I’m sayin’ I’ve played the s**t. Cross server, layering/phasing, LFG/LFR - this destroyed the community within the game. Agree or disagree, whatever. I’m willing to bet a lot of the people bashing this opinion were not around then. Some players might’ve welcomed and like the adding of cross-server, LFG/LFR, layering/phasing - and that’s fine and valid.

But as far as the fabric of what made WoW such an immersive game and community was not having those additions in it. Yes, I prefer traveling to the instance. Yes, I prefer going to the battlemasters. Yes I prefer asking in LFG and /g for dps/tanks/healers. I do not like having it all done for me, disappear to the instance, no one says a word to one another and just blast through the dungeon without so much as a “thanks for group everyone!” (although the seemingly most people can muster now is 'ty")

and this is an entirely reasonable thing to want to preserve in game, and luckily for us it seems blizz is invested in preserving it too

this is projection, believing that you have done anything to me at all.

you have not embarassed me
you’ve consistently proven my points

and you use buzzwords incorrectly trying to attack me instead of backup your position.

The truth is, i was replying to you out of boredom waiting for my buddy to get online to play some games, not because you’re relevant. Not because your opinion holds any weight and just as quickly as i started this conversation i’ll walk away from it and not give you a second thought.

The actual fact that you think you had anything over me, let alone embarass me or shake my resolve for my standpoint is a joke.


this stuff writes itself man, this is too good


Unfortunately sometimes peoples fefes get hurty worty

This was my first ever character I made. This was me at my noobest.

It doesn’t. As the prevalence of RMT, boosting and GDKP show, people will try to force their preferred playstyle when it isnt fully supported, and leave when it becomes too hard to do.

More importantly, what is being asked for is not derived from game mechanics but a wish for more meaningful player to player interaction, which is entirely besides what game measures can affect. You can at best try to curate your playerbase by alienating those who dont like certain aspects, but since the existing amount of players who want RPG and interaction is tiny and fragmented, leaving only them is unlikely to be sustainable long term.

well if there’s gonna be level 70 blizz boosts and dks who start at 55, then there has to be either player boosting or rdf. if neither, game will be in pretty bad shape quickly.

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Naw not full of myself. it just by definition isn’t an MMORPG

You are so full of yourself it’s not even funny. You are dumping in everyone else’s thread not even reading posts. People like YOU ruined this game from top to bottom. Devs like you also ruined it from top to bottom.

I would disagree and say that it was actually people like you who ruined the game. Begging for convenience until the entire game is conveniently garbage.

Something about this being said by a mage just tickles me.

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