Dungeon Finder Queue Time Stuck for DPS Characters – Ongoing Issue


I’ve been experiencing a recurring issue with long wait times in the Dungeon Finder queue specifically for my DPS characters. Although the estimated wait time usually shows around 5-6 minutes, I often end up waiting over an hour without successfully getting into a dungeon. This has been happening both in the past and currently, making it a persistent issue.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

Leaving and rejoining the queue
Ensuring my game client is fully up-to-date

This problem doesn’t seem to occur with tank or healer roles, as those queues are usually instant. I’m not sure if it’s a bug affecting only DPS roles or if it’s tied to certain classes. It’s become quite frustrating, especially since it seems there are plenty of players in the queue.

Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated! Has this issue been reported by other DPS players, or is there a fix in progress? Thank you for any assistance!

Here’s a screenshot: (Remove the spacing)
Round 1 - https:/ /imgur.com /a/NugkXYA

Sharing screenshots to help determine if these long queue times are intended or potentially a bug.

Round 2 - https:/ /imgur.com /a/0IcQz8A

Round 3 - https:/ /imgur.com /a/evT8B4J