Dungeon finder, out of touch with the community

Hi, I’m a really confused and angry WoW Classic player right now.

You have come to the conclusion that as a whole the classic playerbase do not want a system like Looking For Dungeon or Random Dungeon Finder and I must ask where and how are you basing this claim, if this were at all close to the reality of the situation wouldn’t the in-built TBC LFG tool be more widely used?

Iv’e played since TBC launched, I have out of curiousity over the course of TBC (whilst playing on Faerlina, one of the most if the the most populated server by far) at peak hours, off-peak hours browsed the in-built TBC LFG tool and have seen no joke 3 or 4 people listed by themselves with no Groups listed ever. I and most of the WoW classic community have found dungeons / raid groups via a third-party addon called Bulletin-Board (which the majority find extremely tiring and annoying)

But this fact alone that a third-party addon is so demanding for i’d say at least 98% of group forming traffic clearly infers there is a cry from the community for some thing better from blizzard themselves. No one is actually happy having to browse the Bulletin-Board unless they like severe headaches.

The Looking For Dungeon and Random Dungeon Finder is a perfect solution for the current dilemma, it was great when it was added in towards the later stages of Original Wrath and every content creator and every one i actually play with was sorely looking forward to it a great deal, I can admit i have seen some concern over it as little as I have seen it has been there, but really the over-whelming demand for it and the net positives it provides to the player experience finding a dungeon in an efficient manner just out weighs any negative concerns 10 fold.

Again, if the community was so happy with Vanilla / TBC’s in built systems why is 98% of group forming traffic done via a third-party addon ?

Thank you for your time.


This, I hate doing dungeons purely for the fact of sitting there staring at chat trying to be the first person to whisper them… when I’m on my dps alt I dont even whisper somthing useful like class or spec, just say “inv” because if I don’t its a “sorry filled” .

The argument over community involvement in group forming is just not correct. Nobody is chatting any more in these dungeons because we all flew to the instance and ran in the portal.

Really hope Blizz revisits this topic as it would increase quality of life for more people than it would hurt!


If people don’t want dungeon finder then don’t use it. Very simple.
I was so excited for wrath classic and this just makes the future of classic really dead. The dying realms would at least be able to find groups with it…


So what exactly are you saying here, that we don’t really want classic? RDF was in wrath though…


You guys ever heard of guilds


Yep, am in one, have no intentions of using it for my main. As i didn’t back then either, it was amazing for alts though or off-peak hours, heard of them?


Yeah, never had any issues with it

Odd, they said it was the community that drove that decision. So I guess youre out of touch with the community.


Most people raid log now days.

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odd, if that was the case the “community” wouldnt be all using Bulletin-board, but I guess we all love this community driven formation tool where you spam “inv” to every one.


And you could argue that is to avoid using the absolute disaster that is Bulletin-board ? I sure know I have parked a lot of my alts that could still use some gear on the basis of ‘really can’t be bothered to sit and stare at bulletin board on my blue geared dps warrior’


imagine playing an MMORPG but not wanting to talk to anyone or travel anywhere, just sitting in a town, clicking a button and being automatically put in a group and teleported to the dungeon



Everyone looking forward to Wotlk wants RDF, everyone who played Wotlk wants RDF; and RDF came after the gear score obsession wall / gate keeping. Raiders were pushing past item level 220 before Ulduar even came out solely for gear score flexxing purposes whether the gear was or wasn’t BiS. Wotlk peaked when the ICC raid dropped with RDF as a nice side to the main dish.

You come home, you hit your button, you’re playing the game. The QOL of RDF basically kept the game active and your characters progressing. I don’t understand how or why this concept is somehow bad for the classic community.

I also do not care if RDF is limited to your own realm or cross realm, it really doesn’t matter at this point with everyone on these stacked mega servers. If the concern is for “community” then make the Pagle RDF to group with Pagle players only etc. Amazing, the “community” concern is already fixed.

How about something harder then? Grobbulus for example has a pretty even ratio of Horde and Alliance. This server has active WPVP, many active players who don’t just raid log their mains and log for the week like the majority of the 1 sided mega servers do. RDF has the most consequences here out of the Americas & Oceania (I don’t play on EU, I’m not commenting on EU.) How about you keep it nice and RDF free for our RP servers then if they want it that way as a compromise? Keep those servers in the “classic community spirit” style and attitude. Everyone else still playing Alliance that had to migrate to Benediction, and I’m sure other realms too ofc. Those communities, the people, the connections and that classic spirit basically died when our home servers died. Everyone split or quit.

These arguments about RDF being “bad for dps” or “taking too long” are being made by 1character main players who raid log and have no clue what the game is like outside of their 1 night clears on their own servers. These people already have no incentive to actually log on while waiting for the raid lockout to reset. I’m willing to wager there are AT LEAST 1 thousand Paladin Tanks just on Benediction alone. THEY ARE LITERALLY EVERYWHERE AND THEY ONLY GET BETTER IN WOTLK. I have seen an entire LFG Bulletin board top to bottom for all heroics and normals in 1 night struggling to fill because of the lack of DPS being active on the server. I’m talking 45 minutes to an hour for some dungeons waiting for DPS and an average wait time of 20 minutes minimum for anything in general. It’s ridiculous.


thanks for confirming you haven’t actually played WOTLK

There were only a few pieces of 226 gear in T7, you could not reach 220 overall ilvl with them


And how exactly does that differ from the current way groups are formed through bulletin board, other than removing the constant scanning and spamming “inv” ?


For a community that likes old wow, you guys sure love systems that contradict what old wow was all about.


Just found out about having to use an add on for dungeons. Such a dumb way to do it, these people dont want lfd but the uninformed or new players will be completely lost.


The community has clearly changed on that front, it’s not 2004 any more, otherwise Bulletin board wouldn’t exist, also it was in original wrath.


The TBC LFD tool is extremely cumbersome, there is a reason people avoid it


Bulletin Board is fine though because you still actually have to find a group. Too much Queuing and being teleported directly to dungeons is the problem.