Why do I have to wait 30 mins to reque to finish this weekly dungeon quest when I’m the only one who knew how to do Dawnbreaker in the group. So I ping to mini-bosses and explain it; fly around killing mini-bosses solo cuz I overgear it and got kicked because the group wouldn’t listen or follow me???
They didn’t want you there. You weren’t being a team player.
Also: the weekly can be done as a Follower Dungeon. If you don’t want to play well with others, then I suggest just knocking it out with the Follower one.
The 30 minutes penalty exists because in the early days of LFG dungeons people held groups hostage to get around the leaver penalty because “I’m not doing Oculus” or similar. In those days you only got a penalty if you left early of your own accord. However people soon found out you could avoid the penalty if you were kicked. Once they found that out tanks/healers would hold groups hostage and refuse to move until they were kicked, then get an insta requeue into another group. In other words it allowed for random level rewards without it actually being random. So because people abused the system, the leaver penalty was applied. If you want to get mad about it existing get mad at them.
Now with the obligatory statements out of the way, this section here is why you were kicked. The LTs in Dawnbreaker are optional and don’t have to be killed. You can zerg the boss with all 3 of them up and kill it perfectly fine, it just takes a little bit longer due to the boss having extra stats. Some groups kill them, some don’t.
You specifically were kicked because by your own admission you were running off on your own and fighting stuff that didn’t need to be fought, which was causing the group to drag longer than it should have. So yeah your kick was 100% deserved.
If you want to do solo go follower dungeons and pull the whole dungeon
were they busy fighting the boss because you don’t need to weaken it in low difficulties.