Dungeon finder is bugged/needs maintenance

Wow cata classic dungeon finder is bugged, que times for heroic dungeons are always way off the estimated time. They claim 4-7 minutes but are almost always ending up being 30 minutes++ this is annoying and game breaking.

It’s clearly bugged on the technical side, at prime hours and waiting half an hour to play, that and it seems to happen randomly, example being my DK gets normal ques most of the time but my warrior keeps getting 30 minute+++ (Both are DPS) Asking around some claim ques are fine for them, others complain they have same issue I do.

Perhaps I’m missing something here but it sure looks like whatever system is being utilized for the RDF is bugged, which given how classic has been treated in-regards to fixing issues makes a lot of sense

Apologies if there is a similar post regarding this but, these forums are super outdated and hard to navigate to find similar postings without having to read through a ton