Dungeon dippers

Can we please do something about dungeon dippers? they come in and kill one boss then dip. When their replacements show up they are pissed they missed the boss and sometimes dont do anything so they can get kicked. blizzard really should implement loot only at the end of the dungeon to prevent dippers affecting the morale of the group that want to finish the group.

you also get more valorstones for completing the dungeon.

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They’re working on a fix to give dungeon leavers the deserter buff. That’ll have to do.


Um, they already have that.

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That’s called mythic+

i know its in M+ but im talking about all difficulties

They don’t need to put deserters or anything… All what they need to do is, NEVER put a BIS trinket/weapon or item at the first or second boss… always make it last boss… simple as that.

Blizz is not gonna do that. They’re not gonna change a loot system that’s been around since vanilla just because someone doesn’t want to continue.

I’ve tanked and dps’ed both normal and heroic dungeons and i have not see that happen at all.

That heavily depends on the boss and quite a few bosses have BIS stuff that i need that are on the final boss.

Does it count when I do nothing in follower dungeons? Sometimes I do wish those poor NPCs would scream at me in chat.

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Definitely a basis for an add-on…Ninja Loot Chat

It’s their own fault for not looting any corpses I swear.

Dungeon Dippers?
That sounds like a great fast food tie in for World of Wacraft.


The first time I glanced at the title of this thread I thought it said “Dragon Diapers” – I would definitely hire a nanny for changing those.