Dungeon-breaking bug: Ruby Life Pools

In Ruby Life Pools, you can get stuck in combat downstairs in the 1st boss area while your group is in combat upstairs.

Paired with Grievous this week (which is massively overtuned by about ~40% in DF), classes that cannot heal (or eat since we are stuck in combat), and cannot click the dragon to come back up to my team because I was stuck in combat. So I simply waited down there to die, unable to come up and help my teamate. I rezzed and same thing happened again; couldn’t come up and help my team so they wiped and left the key. This was a +19

This was probably one of the most infuriating I have seen in the past ~6 months. Please fix this soon.

RLP is already massively overtuned damage wise (with unavoidable damage from both bosses (all 3) and big mobs (Thunder and Fire drakes). With Grevous and this bug, it makes it near untimeable for people without A-tier healers in coms (which is >99% of the playerbase).

This happened to me twice today. I haven’t been able to find anyth8ng about a fix. Is Blizzard aware?