Dungeon Bots

So I can stay alive through a lot of stuff in heroics at this point, no problem.

I can’t actually live without heals when the dps all dies to stuff that is supposed to be healed through and then i have to basically solo the rest down.

Some kind of system in LFG where it tracks activity? Easier reporting system? Actually doing something about the bots instead of banning people who actually play? I really don’t know what the solution is, but a 0 heal hpal in heroic stonecore just doesn’t work for me. And then they’re in with a buddy for boosting or whatever and they take turns vote kicking and failing it to bug it out at the beginning so you’re just stuck either with a carry you didn’t consent to, or a deserter debuff.

Working as intended, I’m sure. Gotta cater to people who do literally nothing to play the game so they can still be included I guess? I’ve got no problem running a dungeon with unskilled or ungeared people, as long as they’re there and doing literally SOMETHING to benefit the group. My current solution is to stop and /sit and do nothing til the bot drops group or we finally manage to get a vtk to work. I might just start doing this with any group where I’m having to FR, SI, and BS on a 4 mob trash pack.