Dungeon and Raid Tuning -- February 9

I think it’s that it feels like fire mages and holy paladins have been memeing on everyone for at least 2 years now in most forms of content. People I talk with are either really, really are sick of seeing mages everywhere or have rerolled a mage.

all thats great but i still cant get invited to dungeons or raids and no one will Q 3s with me cuz my spec sucks.

#Buff havoc

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Sweet but lag and instance aborted will still get you lol.

Meta is a problem because the class he plays isn’t part of it anymore. Even though DK’s aren’t exactly passed over in pug groups lmao.

Yes please, this. I’d like to get tomb of sageras down on mythic for my shaman, but the lava insta kills me on avatar… Fix pl0x thanks

Or just remove the stupid restriction already. Let people raid mythic with their friends or join pugs cross-realm.


Raid went 8/10 heroic and kept wiping on Stone Legion because ever single person in the raid was getting Seismic Upheaval…
19 people 19 upheavals.
It appears it wasn’t nerfed, but rather buffed.

hahaha, after finishing the campaign in ardenwald I pretty much made a vow never to return to that cursed continent, except for the world boss.
Not a fan of the layout and mobs be cancer