Dungeon and ELITE damages - do it right for god sake

The only problem I noticed was level 30’s fighting a level 40 should get Crushing Blows 85% of the time or so and that didn’t look like the case. The glances might be on point, the mobs should be doing 150% damage on the majority of hits on players so low.

There is something to be said in regards to level 30 caps and these players farming gear, some players are nearing BiS or using spreadsheets to find the absolute craziest twink/bis gear available. Keep that in mind when watching these streams.

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Shhh, don’t bring any logic into this.

The people still complaining are basically “muh feels mean moar than blizz’s statements.”

Now, when they’re not talking about factual data, there’s a point… removing portals, it’s accurate.

However, when Blizzard sits there and says “we have a complete legacy setup, and the numbers match whats going on in the beta…” if they’re going to ignore that, they’re basically at flat earther levels of denial, and trying to argue with THAT is a fool’s errand.


I was watching the armory run and the crushing blows were definitely happening but didn’t hurt too bad on a tank with 2200 hp. If memory serves half of that was probably more common in non-twink tanks at 30.

Herod was crushing almost every hit but a hit that would take ~50% hp on a normal tank was doing ~25%. The healer btw had + healing on almost every slot something that pretty much never happens leveling.


The Axemen - MC done quick

Had, “when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that’s… mrrgrllrrlll” play at credits.

Then played a song, king of the [word not allowed- even though it is just a type of drum, because the first 4 letters spells out a smoking implement].

That’s one I’m thinking of.

For what its worth i levelled as warrior early in vanilla, went to do Scarlet monestary in bad gear, group asked if I had a shield… I did not.

Bought the terrible vendor gray shield for the last of my gold, using wingblade from WC, as I had nothing better. Got told I may as well stick to using my 2 hander if it was any good.

We breezed through that place, and I barely knew what I was doing. My ping at the time was minimum of 800, and on bad days would bounce between 1.5k-2k (rain would get in phone pits, and in crappy insulation around copper wires in ground. What a day to be alive.

I suspect that high damage was a result of tanks being under level. Noticing the damage taken when healer had no mana. Healer having attention split because they were healing all the dps, cause tank tunnelled the one mob. Healer healing themselves cause tank sucked and tunnelled the one mob, leaving the rest to swarm heals. Split dps leaving mobs alive for longer than they should be. Mobs hitting tank from behind. Tank being low level and getting crushed, as well as lower parry, dodge, miss rates.

I mean its possible the damage values were higher, but id put my money on the above before believing damage values were different, even IN earlier versions of 1.x

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bfa clowns are like, the dmg is right


were getting 2006 post-nerf catchup difficulty at launch
so you can face tank aoe-cleave every elite pack in greens and wit zero cc for epics like its bfa

launch was nov 2004
patch 1.12 was aug 2006 nearly 2 years later

by 1.12 mob levels, abilities, patrols and dmg throughout every dungeon and raid was reduced heavily

if it makes sense to not release 1.12 bosses, battlegrounds and gear at launch

we shouldn’t be getting 2006 nerfed catchup difficulty at launch either


This is so delusional lol.

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the damage does seem low, esp on some elite packs that I remember getting annihilated on in vanilla, now they hit for like 10 dmg??? no

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Stop playing on private servers!

Tsix <TSIX>

1 post

120 Night Elf Druid


I remember the leveling dungeons being super hard on my first character. The main reason being that after casting my first heal, all mobs except the single one the Warrior was “tanking” would be going for me.

Youre wrong. Your memory is wrong. They have a working client theyre basing this all on. Youre wrong.


This is hilarious. #NoChanges we want authentic 1.12. Then it’s no 1.12 is too easy it should be an earlier version. L M A O.

Blizzard has stated 1.12 is the version that was the most stable for Vanilla.

You #NoChangers made your bed, now sleep in it. We could have possibly gotten a “WoW Reloaded” with balance passes and improvements (e.g. all specs viable) and then maybe increased difficulty to go along with it as things would need to be readjusted to compensate. Instead any suggestion of the sort was shouted down by the #NoChanges crowd. So we’ve gotten no changes (to the gameplay; nobody cares about the minor UI improvements) and suddenly it’s “Waah it’s not as hard as I thought it was 15 years ago! 1.12 is a joke!”



This is the main reason gnomer was hard. It had patrols, that alarm bot, group pulls, and gnomes would run into other packs.

So. Much. Trash.

It didn’t help that the layout was multi-level, making navigating less straightforward and it was a fairly long instance as instances go.

It also really wasn’t all that fun, although it was interesting as it had its own questline within the dungeon.


#nochanges, vanilla means vanilla, oh except for this list of changes want but we won’t have a general discussion about changes.

It’s deliciously ironic watching the #nochange crowd cry when they got exactly what they wanted after refusing to have any discussion whatsoever about possible changes when it was brought up by blizzard.


High damage Elites and dungeon mob damage was always a serious issue until the pre BC update. Crowd control being a must, healers having to actually dump heals and hope aggro didn’t go sideways as well.

It might be with a new system the game is playing quite differently, the difficulty in spike damage and aggro was something that was fixed through refinement of the system. Eating crushing blows for example or any way damage was calculated in the old system could have inherently raised the output or the damage players took. That’s the only real reasoning I can find if they are porting everything over accurately, so a design ‘flaw’ that was remedied in future systems.

Its entirely possible calculated through the original system damage and scaling applied differently than it does in the new modern system. While it was made more complex and precise it lost its potentially buggy edge that could have been the very basis for a large portion of the difficulty.

That’s nothing to do with “difficulty”: that’s because people didn’t know how to play well and Sunder multiple targets.

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release player here , i look how this version of classic run and elite are really under power this is ridicule , anyway in my book this is not the real vanilla version but a downgrade version of retail , just looking how the npc attack other faction this expose is retail and not vanilla also a lot of animation are wrong because this is retail , but blizzard need a fast release for cash grab , i will play the game but for me is a wannabe version of classic wow

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That is how is should be.

Can’t they just buff all the mobs in the game a bit? Making pulls slower and more painful and require cc seems like the only way to do it. It should be one or two pulls then rest, one big pull rest etc.

Ah yes, the classic #nochangers who are really #changeswewantarefine