I remember when I first hit max level in WoW in Wrath, Yajirobi was the biggest Villian on the server at the time, he was like a raid boss luring people in to the trams to fight him from Ironforge / SW, I was a keyboard turner / Clicker Rallying groups of 5 just to somehow get 1v5’d
Nobody would play with me in arena because I was so young and I was really bad at the game, some Rogue and Yajirobi both helped me in 2s get 1800 (They purely carried me for my wep), I thought it was cool that even though they were the bad guys of the server at the time,they took the time to help me even though I was terrible,pretty cool memories looking back, My name back then was Crypton, I transfer’d off the server at the start of Cata