Dump tbc right now and bring on wrath

It will be ruined the same way TBCC was, call it a day and move on.

stop talking about tbc this is the wrong forum

I knew this would happen.

When Classic was out, there was a loud vocal minority of idiots screaming “WE NEED TBC NOW!”,“TBC WAS PERFECT!”, “TBC IS CLASSIC BUT SO MUCH BETTER TRUST ME EVERYONE!”.

Then TBC comes out and the majority of players are just like “meh”.

Maybe just shutup and enjoy the ride, stop trying to push your preferred version of the game, stop thinking the next thing to come out will save wow, if you released WOTLK now everyone would be bored to death of having to do naxx again in phase 1 wrath for next 3 months.

Just shutup and stop trying to push agendas, let the people that enjoy TBC have their time, as a vanilla fan I HATED when the TBC andys were trying to push TBC early and championing for vanilla to end asap so they could get to TBC quicker.

If your a wrath fan shut the hell up, your time will come, be patient.

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well can they at least get out of the classic era forum?

most people who play retail now (and have nostalgia for when they started) are wrath babies. or even cata/MoP babies. MoP babies even want to experience cata because they have rose tinted goggles about it. at this point blizz realizes that people who said they wanted to live in vanilla for all time were mostly lying to themselves. they didn’t want to STAY. they wanted to be forced to reroll seasonally. with people who play retail we never did that. we just went from vanilla to expansion a, b, c, d etc. which is what the newer players want to do. they want to experience all the stuff they missed cuz they didn’t start playing until much later than we did.

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successful bait