So, interestingly enough, there’s an Arakkoa called ‘Skinnard’ near Captain Keg-Leg, and he professes undying loyalty to his Captain, which is rather unusual, given we’ve seen the Uncorrupted Arakkoa are generally highly vain and disdainful of land-bound creatures, and had a superiority complex a mile high.
I also don’t remember seeing any of them come through the Portal with the Mag’har. We saw Botani heading for Ashenvale, we saw Saberon heading for the Barrens, and we saw Highmaul Ogres booking it for the Swamp of Sorrows, but I don’t remember there being any Arakkoa.
So if not Draenor, then outland? We did the usual Florida Person Honster Mumper War Criminal Murder Hobo Adventurer thing and murder-death-justice’d the dark cult that had taken control of the last survivors of the Corrupted Arakkoa, and then moved on. We know that there’s Naaru right nearby in Shattrath. We know that anything the Primal Powers can do, the other Primal Powers can do too, with a little more effort.
The Fel was able to return Corrupted Arakkoa to a Fel-infused version of their normal form, it might be possible for the Naaru to use the Light to pull off the same trick, albeit with a less destructive method, especially since Arakkoa were originally children of a Light-aligned Wild God, Rukhmar, and she is actually Light-touched, which is the source of her flames. She’s not a ‘true’ Elemental, as we understand them, and as her direct progeny, the Arakkoa are in turn especially vulnerable to both the Light and the Void, as we saw with the Corrupted Arakkoa, when Sethekk’s curse took hold, it immediately converted them into creatures of the Void in addition to the conditions Sethekk imposed, namely the lack of flying and the loss of their beauty and grace.
If they didn’t come through with the Mag’har, then the only likely source is Outland, either restored via the Naaru or perhaps survivors from one of the hundreds of floating islands that are all that is left of the planet that managed to escape, either through the Portals in Shattrath or through the Dark Portal sometime before its corruption to serve as the entrance for Garrosh’s Iron Horde.
What are your thoughts? Would you play as an Arakkoa? Or would you prefer the hunched over and corrupted version? Is that how we do the gender thing? Males and females have the same models, just different plumage, while the actual model variation comes from the Upright and Hunched Over models?
This would also work quite well for Ogres. You don’t pick gender, you pick 1-headed or 2-headed models, since Ogres are not noted for having much in the way of sexual dimorphism between the genders.