Dumb Thoughts: Traitor's Rest and the two-headed Dragon Skeleton there

So running around on alts, trying to get the roster up and ready for 10.1.0 and I stopped and had a real good look at the area.

For those who don’t know, this is a spot in the Azure Span that has a massive, Aspect-sized Dragon skeleton with two heads half-submerged into the ground.



Location of the Traitor’s Rest if you want to go inspect it for yourself.


Now, this makes me wonder.

Is this a Traitor to the Aspects? Or the Primalists? Those skulls don’t look like they belong to Proto-Drakes, but the only multi-headed Dragons we’ve seen are creatures exposed to either the Void, or to Flesh-Warping magics such as those practiced by the Mogu, the Kaldorei and the Titans, which tends to be Arcane in nature.

Given the shape of the skulls and the size of them, as well as the location and given how the Azure Span was apparently the site of a terrible battle, and also unnaturally cold with the Blue Dragons having been experimenting with Wild Magic (first time that’s ever been brought up in WoW, AFAIK) and sealing up some terrible power beneath the land, this could be quite a dangerous thing we’re just flying over.

Decay magic is very present in the region, one of the reasons why the Gnolls have gone from a minor nuisance to the Tuskarr and Dragon-kin of the region to a legitimate threat to the existence of all life in the Azure Span. And Decay is the ‘negative’ form of Spirit Energy, while the ‘positive’ form of this Spirit Energy is known as Life energy. It could be that this ‘Traitor’ was a member of the Dragonflight that experimented with this dual-natured energy, and was mutated into an entity with two minds, one ruled by the balancing force of Life/Spirit Energy, the other controlled by the dominating force Decay/Spirit Energy.

Given the direction the skeleton is facing, it was heading towards the Azure Archives, where we encounter another mutated Blue Dragon, Umbrelskul, a child of both Malygos and Sindragosa. It is entirely possible that the ‘Traitor’ was a fellow researched like Umbrelskul who refused to heed the warnings of the Aspect of Magic and was grotesquely mutated into a gigantic, Aspect-sized two-headed Dragon.

But that doesn’t explain the ‘Traitor’ name of the region.

It could be that, just like we are finding the Dragon-Kin, the Draconids and the Wyrkin, are angry and resentful towards the Dragonflights for their nonchalant attitude towards their ceaseless devotion after ten thousand years of abandonment and silence, that back before the corruption of the Black Dragonflight as a whole and either before or during the Dragon Civil War between the Protodrakes and the Dragons, several of the Dragons who had been ‘Ordered’ began to resent and reject the rulership and burdens of their Flights and saw fit to try and join the Primalists.

We’ve seen the Primalists are more than capable of infusing Titanforged Dragons with Elemental energies, especially when in the egg, and the Dragon-Kin themselves are also easily altered to return to their more ‘natural’ state.

And here’s the thing. Decay doesn’t turn inorganic matter into organic matter, Life/Spirit energy does. We saw this on Draenor when the Sporemounds turned the Magnarron into semi-organic creatures, and the descendants of those Titan-made Giants mutated further under the effects of the Life/Spirit energy, becoming less and less stone and metal-based until we got to the Ogres and the Orcs.

The Old Gods claim they gave us the ‘Gift of Flesh’. Implying that it was Void-based. But it is Life/Spirit energy that does that … meaning that the Old Gods are either lying out their thousand orifices, which is definitely true, or they wielded Life/Spirit Energy to create the Curse of Flesh in the first place.

What’re your thoughts on this ancient skeleton, and the secrets it may hide?


To be completely honest. I think its a rylak. But like. A big one.

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I mean, we know Deathwing and Malygos were both meddling with the ancient powers of Azeroth in secret.

Where did the Chimera of Azeroth originate from? The horns on the two skulls are also very similar to the horn style of Chimeras and Rylaks, with one head having curling horns and the other having straight.

Chimera might be a lot like the wild-life of the Dragon Isles. They have draconic traits, but are not actually draconic, due to the Titanic influence within the water. The same magical influence that has affected frogs, horses and other life-forms to produce scales, horns, breath weapons and elemental traits, all things that Chimera display, from their frost breath attack to their odd blend of reptilian and mammalian traits.


Indeed! More evidence for Chimera theory, even if an ancestor of the modern chimera. It also makes me wonder what creature evolved into such a thing from the titans influence.

Chimera Wild God, imo.


Something I’ve thought about since Draenor is that planets may more or less follow a basic, common flora/fauna structure, but wildly branch out from there. Maybe it’s the titans that have a hand in it, maybe it’s not. I’m not going to get into the giant 3d printer in the sky.

I personally think it’s more interesting to lean into the idea of wolves and raptors existing on both draenor and Azeroth, and anywhere beyond, more so because they are naturally suited to fill certain ecology roles. Like being galactically type acted harder that Vin Diesel, I guess. Then you add in the spirits and the Loa influence, etc.

On the topic of the two-head, I do wonder if the whole being was a traitor, or if one head was. Your enemy isn’t just your flesh and blood in the family sense, but also actually. Maybe I’ll write a tuskarr myth about that later.

This is entirely unrelated to the original topic, but you really have an ultra-minimalist mog going, Gentarn. :stuck_out_tongue:

More related: Unfortunately, I think it’s just a Rule of Cool decorative set piece. It would be cool if it pointed to something greater as an easter egg, though.

Heritage Armor for Orcs and Humans is bugged.

Something something small indie company something something dance studio.

I love the ghostly hot pink LFD and Zandalari haunting the forums as well.

Existence is pain.

So while the Chimera Wild God is an option, and I also like it, I have some additional Dumb Thoughts:

  • Dragons experiment with magic a lot
  • We know they’re capable of a wide range of human emotions
  • Maybe they’re codependent and merged into one being?
  • Or were forcibly merged into one being for some magical reason
  • Potential for dragon body horror here? Or some sort of messed up family relationship or a romance gone horrific?
  • Who’s to say they were fused while alive

Those are my basic first thoughts, honestly.

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You do have your 3D armor elements. That has to count for… no.
It really doesn’t make up for the incorporeality.

I mean, a dark thought, but the Dragons have, in the novels, expressed that it is taboo for the Dragonflights to ‘mix’, as in no hanky panky between different Flights.

This traitor could be the reason for it. A hybrid of two Flights who hatched deformed, suffering from a polycephalic mutation, and the trauma of growing up being treated like a freak and belonging to neither Flight could very well have driven them to side with the Primalists. That could have been a very tragic end, with the ‘Traitor’ actually being betrayed by both the Flights who rejected and mistreated it, and the Primalists who saw it as a disgusting aberration even before the two heads came into the discussion, and a disposable pawn for a kamikaze attack against the Blue Archives.

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Oh I love that. Writing a billion fanfics now.

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Rogue Thought, we know Teleportation can have some very :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: messed up results if cast incorrectly, or your ‘exit point’ is not clear of obstacles.

Could be, as you said, forcibly merged when a traitor made for the Archives and a dying Blue went for a kamikaze attack, grappled them and threw them into a blind teleport, knowing they were dead anyways.

A one-way teleport calibrated for one target with two entities and they brundleflied on the re-emergence into real-space and crash-landed just before the cliffs.

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