Dumb Thoughts : The Underdark of Azeroth?

So in-between digging for lore and trying to not commit homicide due to incompetent managers and co-workers, I’m leveling alts up since Shadowlands is so …

Well, Shadowlands.

In Silithus, part of the reason that the Ahn’quiraj were able to dig so deeply and build such an amazing city is the network of tunnels and caves they were able to expand and fortify. We see this again in Northrend, where the Nerubians actually encompass the entire continent, but due to the vast amount of space under the earth that they had to work with, had little need for building above ground, where they would have to fight the Taunka, the Vrykul and the Dragons for space.

Gorribal, the Sword of Sargeras, got shoved right down next to the Heart Chamber, hence why our primary entrance point is right there.

What if our next expansion, or even just some leveling zones in the next expansion/future expansions is crawling through the fractured and mangled network of underground caves, tunnels and caverns beneath the surface of the world?

We know Kobolds are everywhere, and they have to be coming from somewhere. Troggs, for the most part, only tend to appear near where Titan facilities are due to being hyper-devolved Earthen and lack the capacity to think about leaving their territories unless driven out by hunger, overwhelming numbers of their own kind or a superior force driving them out. We also know the Brul of the Broken Isles had much deeper domains than what we saw, but were driven closer to the surface by the threats below ground that were held back (at least in part) by Ebonhorn’s enchantments that kept Highmountain safe from Old God corruption and servants.

I think it might be a rather interesting story or sub-plot that when the original super-continent was destroyed by the Kaldorei’s reckless abuse of sorcery and hunger for power, the continental plate didn’t just sink, it collapsed, specifically in on itself where the surface was riddled with Azeroth’s natural underground network. Entire cities were entombed and ‘spared’ destruction under the crushing, freezing weight of the ocean and instead, the citizens found themselves trapped in a lightless realm, racked by destruction and with the native denizens up in arms at the ‘invasion’ of the Surface Dwellers.

We might encounter whole colonies of Dark Trolls who eschewed the Twin Empires to live in harmony with nature as their pre-Kaldorei kin did before being mutated and corrupted by the Well of Eternity, Kaldorei who have adapted to a nomadic lifestyle following the Ley Lines of Azeroth through the maze-like tunnels and caverns and turned to the worship of Azeroth herself, rather than a Moon Goddess who had not saved them, and was no longer even visible to them, a society in the throes of despair of Kobolds and other races who worship the Light in a unique way, and who have been slowly ground down to a single bastion and a few satellite communities by a rampaging army of Old God servants seeking to elevate one of their own to a ‘New God’ status, even Vrykul and Humans who, trapped underground, have developed in a radically different direction, both culturally and socially, from their surface-dwelling kin.

It might go a long way to padding content out, and rather than flying, we might gain access to specific mounts capable of crawling over walls and ceilings. Spider, Snails, Lizards, Beetles, all of these would be more than capable of such a feat and, with the new maps being so claustrophobic and cut off from the surface, we might not even be able to fly at all.

Even better, being as we’re underground, we might come across buried Titan Facilities, either the two mentioned by M.O.T.H.E.R. during the Battle for Azeroth expansion, or satellite facilities/facilities written off as destroyed during the Sundering that have survived, albeit in a crippled state, and find new clues as to what exactly Azeroth really is, or what the Titans’ overall plan was for Azeroth if they did know she was more than ‘just’ a Titan like them.

Underground seas populated by eerie versions of surface-dwelling aquatic humanoids. Cathedrals of living stone where the natives pray to the Light for salvation from the Void that creeps and seethes in every dark corner of their home. And a long-held resentment against the Surface World for their abandonment … and the cultural uprising that might emerge when they learn the Surface World had long ago assumed everyone had died during the Sundering, and were more than happy to come to the aid of their long-lost kin.


I can’t compose my thoughts like this anymore, but I love your posts and always know when I see you’ve posted something, I’m in for a happy ride. Thanks for that.

Wrath was supposed to give us an underground Nerubian kingdom/city but Blizz cut it and instead we only got Azjol-Nerub and Ahn’Kahet and that was that. I remember wanting way more than that at the time and still do. It would be fantastic.

The “under” in this game (or ‘other’) has always piqued my interested tremendously. Probably one of the reasons I was as disappointed with Shadowlands as I was. Such a lost opportunity.

IRL, prior to all my physical issues, I used to LOVE caving. When we got Deepholm, I was giddy with excitement. I still go there often, just for the vibes.

We have Helheim, which is another plane of existence that we got to mess around in during Legion. Probably never happen and not everyone would want it, but I would love an entire expac based in Helheim, ferry us to an underworld full of vrykul/kvaldir/etc, ship based combat (Naglfar!), to various islands. What I would give for that…


i love giant mushroom

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Most people do.

I don’t think the concept would have the appeal or the depth of content to be a stand-alone concept for an Expansion, but it would make for a fascinating side-plot and/or leveling zone, several large zone-sized areas where the caves and tunnels stack ontop of each other and can only be reached via long, circuitous paths or the use of unique mechanics, like mounts that can climb walls, grappling hooks or special equipment, might add something new to the leveling grind.

Edit: Even better, Grouse in Discord point out that an Under-Dark Expansion would also allow Blizzard to revitalize Archaeology, since we’d literally be Indiana Jones-ing through the ruins of ancient civilisations buried for ten thousand years in relative peace and untouched by erosion or mortal scavengers (for the most part).

Get to see the Dwarven Explorer’s League and the Reliquary square off for some ‘peaceful’ bickering over first pick at the ruins, even. There’s a lot of shenanigans to be had, even if you are barred from open violence against one another.

I like the idea! I always got that kinda vibe from the underground areas in Suramar and wish more had been explored there.


Adding onto this, we know that the Nerubians managed to escape the control of Yogg’Saron in particular, and all of the Old Gods in general, and became their own people with a distinct distaste for all things Divine.

What did the Nerubians encounter that allowed this to happen?

We know that Azerite is naturally found deep underground, and we’re talking deep, as in the Mines of Moria deep, a legacy from Azeroth’s previous injuries, be it the Sundering, the tearing of Y’Sharrj (Spelling?) from her crust, or the creation of the Black Empire on her surface. We know that the Nerubians had a massive empire of their own that spanned the entire under-dark of what would become northrend, and they went so deep as to awaken the hibernating servants of the Old Gods during the War of the Spider, leading to their downfall as they could not fight both the Scourge and the vengeful servants of Yogg’Saron.

Yet what was also thick underground in the area? Saronite and Black Saronite. The fossilised blood of Yogg’Saron, a material that often acted as a conduit for the will of the imprisoned Old God, and was only able to be used by the Scourge, and the Death Knights, because it was marked with the Runes of Domination, a language so potent it could ‘change’ whatever heard it … or whatever had the runes written on it.

This explains why Icecrown, while being made of ice and the Black Blood of Yogg’Saron, was not a bastion for the worshippers of the Old Gods, because the very essence of the Old God within the fortress was ‘re-written’ by the Runes to serve the Lich King, and through him, the Jailer.

But back to the Nerubians, the Under-Dark and what allowed them to escape the control of their creator.

We were told that the Scourge adopted the structures of the Nerubians in homage to their relentless spirit and strength of the construction. Yet we learn in Shadowlands that this isn’t quite right. The Maldraxxus Houses have had this style of architecture for eons now, and the Nerubians are only thousands of years old.

Maldraxxus is vital to the defence of the Shadow Lands. We saw, in Drakka’s mini-movie, that Maldraxxus often did attack threats in the material plane that threatened the safety of the Shadow Lands. It is entirely possible that the Maldraxxus armies sent a force to combat the agents of Yogg’Saron, since by this stage Odyn had been lost and Loken was a servant of the Old God. Azeroth was important to the Shadowlands via Zerith Mortis, albeit the Pantheon of Death didn’t know how, and allowing an Old God infestation to bloom would be a disaster.

Yet there are treaties, boundaries, to how far Death may intrude into the other realms, and they in turn into Death. The Titans were nowhere to be found and thus it was deemed a violation of the treaty was necessary to prevent the loss of a Prime World to the Old Gods. A Maldraxxi Necropolis was sent forth into the world of the living to act as a focus point, and the Maldraxxus agents of the House of Eyes went forth.

In the process, the Nerubians were exposed to both the Shadowlands and possibly the veins of crystalized Azerite beneath the surface. Through the House of Eyes, the Primus witnessed that this substance not only held tremendous power, supposedly unique to the First Ones, but could also sever the bonds that the agents of the Void, and presumably the Light, had put on them by the Old Gods.

In an effort to combat the servants of Yogg’Saron and avoid detection by the Titan Watchers, the House of Eyes gave technology and sorcerous knowledge to these ‘reborn’ Nerubians and aided them in killing off their primordial, still-corrupted kin and drove the Old God servants into hibernation, since their deaths would draw attention from the Titan Watchers, and cause a scene over Death ‘intruding’ into Life without permission.

The Nerubians would gain knowledge of the architecture of the Maldraxxi society, and possibly be exposed to the Runes of Domination via Primus using them to ‘help’ them escape the grip of the Old Gods. Unlike most other Aquir societies, Nerubian architecture is full of runic symbology, from their clothing to their buildings to their weapons and armor. Everything is marked with these symbols. While their knowledge of the Runes would be extremely diminished, the ‘bastardised’ language would still allow them to remain free of Old God influence and form the basics of their own language, further isolating them from the manipulations of Yogg’Saron.

It would also be their undoing as the Scourge had the undebased ‘Runes of Domination’ at their fingertips, and while it did make them immune to the Lich King’s psychic domination effect, eventually the Scourge would overcome this effect and, with the Nerubians shattering under a two-front war, massive amounts of Nerubians corpses and outposts would become available and allow the Scourge to win in the end.

Since the Jailer would be intimately aware that the Maldraxxus agents had been in the area, this would necessitate the Scourge ‘adopting’ the architecture of the Spider-People, and even their ‘language’, in an attempt to obscure exactly what the Scourge was. The Runes of Domination were obscured by the runic language of the Nerubians, close enough to perform the same function but ‘distorted’ enough to avoid a panic if any of the Houses checked in to see what was going on.

We also know the Nerubians despised worship of the divine, both from what they had suffered under the domination of Yogg’Saron, and the foolishness they witnessed from the Taunka and the mindless ferocity of the Vrykul who worshipped the Titan Watchers as ‘Gods’. They were driven, relentless and dispassionate, and thus many of their people ended up in Maldraxxus in an ironic twist, joining the House of Eyes that once saved their people to be the unseen spies and saboteurs of the Shadowlands.

I’d love for an underdark or hallow earth/azeroth expansion.

There’s SO much potential for cool stuff!!

omg I love this idea so much and hear me out but Kaldorei shaman??? That would be such an awesome introduction for them to be shaman.


I’d be sorely disappointed if we didn’t get a night elf quest giver hunter named Rizz Do Or Die with a cat companion named Gweniffur.

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I want a Kobold Expansion…

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I mean, Ogres have gotten how many redesigns thus far?

I’ve put forward several times the theory that the Kobolds we’ve met have been driven insane on their journey to the surface to escape the Void, and light, or Light, is the only defence they know of against this threat.

Little shy, inquisitive and inventive rat-folk for the Alliance? Maybe they’re the Gnomish version of Troggs?

Dang this is a good idea
I like this alot more then the other options
(Lightlands:“Oh turns out the light was evil”)
(Void lords:“Lets go even MORE cosmic and further from the characters you actually care about!”)
(Save the dragons:“The dragons are going extinct, but theres a magic artifact which was definitely always there that can save them!”)
This sounds alot cooler. Also I want to have a mount that crawls on the cieling SO BADLY now.

you were right

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In all fairness, my brain churns stuff out relentlessly. This is less a case of being right and more that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Imagine if they use sentiment analysis tools to scrape the forums and the sheer amount of text you input here skews the system to the point where you’ve basically been a sort of spirit-like oracle on Metzen & co’s shoulders – and THAT’S why we’re not getting new specs, player housing, class skins etc. but instead caves, nerubians and the Titans?!

Do you… do you need to be stopped???

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Please end me at your earliest convenience.

I’m ready to go, Mr Stark.

It would be them trying to stop you, and me defending you with my life – LETS GO!!

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But also, if you could use this power to get Fal’dorei added as a playable race: much appreciated. A web has been woven in Goldshire

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