Dumb Thoughts : The revelations of the Titanic Discs, and Prymancer's lore

So, first watch the Pyromancer video so you’re not left scratching your head over what I’m babbling about this time.


Let’s divide this into three parts:

The Titanic Agenda

So first of all, let’s talk about the Titans, and more specifically, who amongst the Titans is pulling the strings and has agendas outside of ordering the universe according to their ‘Edicts’.

We can see with most of the Titans that we’ve encounter, that they are armored, and possess thick, heavy bracers. Their weapons in what little artwork we have is covered with blue runes, notable Sargeras’s blade, Norganon’s discs, and both Golganneth’s and Khaz’goroth’s hammers.

The only Titan we’ve ever met with no armor at all and no bracers is Amun’thul, the leader and supposedly oldest of all the Titans, hence one of his most famous titles, the Highfather, as he has a paternal role within the Pantheon.

Now, taking all of that into account, we know that Amun’thul woke up first and set about trying to order the universe, and found the other Titans in his journey. We’re all familiar with this story, and we can assume it to be mostly true, within the context as we know it. But in Shadowlands, we found the Primus, and we found books that made reference to his ability to see all potential futures and pasts at once, allowing him to pick the most accurate and useful military strategy for his goal of guarding and policing the Shadowlands from threats both within and without.

Who do we know who has massive temporal abilities almost unmatched in the setting, who likewise has an orderly agenda, and is known to play outside the boundaries of their own laws, or dare I say it, ‘Edicts’?

Amun’thul. At some point in Pre-History, presumably before the various Pantheons went into open warfare with each other, Amun’thul and the Primus got together and exchanged notes. And what could the Primus possibly offer in exchange for the most gifted temporal magic user in all of the multi-verse for this training and tutelage? Domination magic, or rather, the beginnings of it before he took the magic of Ardenweald and fused it with the magic of Maldraxxus and the Maldraxxi runes to create Domination Magic, a type of magical ‘language’ so strong that those listening to it, or whatever it was inscribed onto or into would actually change to suit the words used.

I’m still in the process of comparing, but some of the runes on Sargeras’s blade in the old artwork, and on his bracers, appear to be very similar to the Runes of Domination we encounter in the Sanctum of Domination, specifically the runes you’ll encounter in the chamber where you fight Fatescribe Roh-Kalo.

It might be that in exchange for learning how to wield temporal magic on the scale that Amun’thul did, to see thousands of years into the future, clearly, and within seconds, the Primus gave in turn his deepest magical secrets as part of the exchange, and Domination Magic is based upon Maldraxxi runes, coupled with the strange and poorly-understood magics of Ardenweald which seems to transcend both Life and Death as forms of Magic. And Domination magic is blue, a color we normally associate with Arcane, which generally is blue, or sometimes a deep purple. But we only see deep purple arcane energy in areas where magic is densely packed together ‘naturally’ to the point it assumes physical form, such as the mana-crystals of Suramar and the surrounding regions of the Broken Isles, and in the exposed and ruptured leylines in Northrend, and in the mountains around Winterspring.

If we follow this chain of clues, then it is likely that Amun’thul gained access to a primitive form of Domination Magic, a form of magic so powerful that it can ‘re-write’ reality if used often enough and with enough power behind it, a form of magic that the Primus deeply regrets inventing because it was only ever meant to contain, not to control, not to reshape and warp as the Jailer did, and presumably, Amun’thul did.

We have seen that the Titans don’t particularly care about the individual, it is all about the Macro-Scale ‘Ordering’ of the Universe and sealing away ‘chaotic’ forces such as the Fel and the Void and bringing order to Life to make sure it does not ride rough-shot over all of creation.

And this leads us to the second point I want to discuss.

The Titans were re-written by Amun'thul

If we go by the theory that Amun’thul traded his knowledge and skill of temporal magic to the Primus, a fellow Agent of Order, for the proto-version of the Language of Domination, and we know that Domination magic struggled to corrupt the more powerful automata of Zerith Mortis due to these creatures being infused with the language of the First Ones, another form of Magical Language that reshaped and reworked entities it was spoken to/written on/etched into, then we can look at the Titans with new eyes.

We know that many of the Titans have Non-Arcane powers, barring Norgannon, who is the only ‘Pure’ Titan we’ve ever come across, using only arcane magic.

Eonar uses Life magic, and when we encounter her, she’s a spherical mass of magic with stars connected by glowing lines, not a humanoid. She also assumes a ‘Constellar’-like form, like what we see in Ulduar with Algalon the Observer, and in the Mogushan Vaults, with Elegon.

Golganneth is the Titan of ‘Storms and Seas’, which sounds Elemental to me! Just like most of the Titans, assumes a ‘Constellar’ like form on his throne before transforming into the ‘Titan’ we are familiar with.

Khaz’goroth had dominion over the ‘Deep Earth’ and the flames within it, which again sounds far more Elemental than Arcane in nature. Also assumes a ‘Constellar’ form on his throne first before becoming a ‘Titan’.

Aggramar is known as the ‘Avenger’ amongst the Titans, and seems to be a Light Titan, being the Creator of Tyr and infusing his Titan Keepers and Watchers with ‘courage and strength’, and was reputedly the one who made all of the Titansteel used to forge the original Titan Watchers and Keepers who we have met today. What artwork we have of him sees him untouched by Runes, either Domination or otherwise, but his blade is set with a massive glowing yellow gem, the color of the Light, and his blade burns with the Light when he swings it. His corrupted form we fight on Argus has traded that for a dull orange, and burns with fire that likewise has cracked and distorted the avatar his spirit is bound inside to serve as Sargeras’s second in command once again.

Sargeras himself appears to be a ‘Pure’ Titan like Norgannon, but may also have been infused with Light, given his fall to corruption and his seeming impossible survival of being infused with the Fel given how badly the Fel and the Arcane interact with each other. We never actually saw his original form, since that was destroyed by the original Well of Eternity collapsing in upon itself and crushing him, casting his spirit back into the Twisting Nether. Fun fact, the reason that Argus might have been missing whole continent-sized chunks might have been the Legion taking material from the planet to form a suitably large avatar for Sargeras’s spirit to inhabit, much as he did with Aggramar, although his former lieutenant was done so on a much smaller scale.

And then we get the Amun’thul, who appears to be another Light-Arcane Titan hybrid, given the color of his eyes and his obsession and hyper-focus on Order, and his vision above all else, traits held in common with the Naaru, especially the Prime Naaru, Xe’ra. Given his lack of armor and bracers, this makes it highly likely that either Amun’thul started dabbling in powers beyond just the Arcane and settled on the Light because it could be used to substitute for Life, was an Order-aligned Power, and would respond without restraint to a will that believed absolutely in its goals, and Amun’thul is nothing if not stubborn.

We can assume that the Bracers that the Titans wear function along similar lines to what we see with ‘bound’ Elementals, namely what most Shamans and Mages summon or bind to serve them, either in battle or in other functions, and similar to what we see with Void Walkers, whose forms are actually contained within those bracers and given a roughly humanoid form, as without such things, a Voidwalker is little more than a cloud of angry void energy floating around like a vengeful fart in a very crowded elevator.

If Amun’thul had this ‘Proto-Domination’ Magical Language, and presumably being one of the oldest creatures in creation, likewise knew the Language of the First Ones, even going so far as to, via his proxy Odyn, to prohibit any knowledge of the First Ones from being leaked to anything below Titanic Keeper/Watcher in the new world order, then he likely had enough knowledge and power to make his own form of Domination Magic, and since Amun’thul was the very first Titan, and went around ‘waking up’ his kin, it is entirely possible each and every single Titan has been altered ‘in the womb’, so to speak.

Most alarmingly, when we’re fighting Argus the Unmaker, Norgannon uses his Discs to shatter Argus into several Constellars, each with, and I want to be clear here, Elemental Weaknesses. This exposes Constellars not as an individual species, but a splintering of a World Soul or a Titan, or possibly a sub-species created by a Titan splitting off a portion of their soul and imbuing it with power, a function and a measure of free-will to serve as a proxy while the Titan functions on other matters, much as the Titan Keepers and Watchers served to oversee Azeroth and other worlds on behalf of their creators.

We’ve also see than Amun’thul has a temper and hates to be thwarted, implying he’s either used to getting his own way with little issue, or despises being denied and actively works to bring ‘rebellious’ matters to a swift end, in his favor.

We’ve seen this with the Titans creating all the Watchers and Keepers to avoid doing harm to Azeroth, and then Amun’thul flips a table because Y’Shaarj was proving too potent for the Titanic servants to deal with, reaching down and ripping the Old God out of the very planet itself, and causing the exact same harm that the rest of the Pantheon had been holding back precisely to avoid.

We see it again, with the Coreway in Dornogal, where Eonar planted the tree her lover, Elune, gave her to help heal and nurture the world, only for Amun’thul to lose his temper and immediately tear the tree out, assuming he had ‘killed it’ by doing so and lecturing a sobbing and heart-broken Eonar about using ‘Chaos’ in any shape or form.

And we see it for a final time in the end of the Argus Raid, where Eonar reminds Amun’thul that ‘It is time’ and that they’re on the clock, stop grandstanding in front of the mortals, and his face goes from magnimanios smiles to an angry scowl for a few seconds before waving us away and taking his throne, which is noticeably bigger and higher than those of the rest of the Pantheon.

I theorize that Norgannon was the second Titan to be awoken, and may have been Amun’thul’s ‘proto-type’ for this discreet rewiring of the Titans to be loyal to only Amun’thul and his desire for universal order. And because of this, thats why that Norgannon is the only Pure Arcane Titan in the bunch despite their position as the ‘Heralds’ of Arcane and Order, and why Norgannon is so heavily reliant upon his Discs, if we go by the information we’ve received from the Arathai, that all these Primal Powers must bind to something or risk becoming increasingly unstable. The other Titans are bound to Elemental powers, or the Light, or the Fel, and Norgannon, being altered crudely while in the World Soul state, has to rely upon his Discs to provide this stability because he’s either incapable of, or will not survive, binding to any other form of Power or Magic.

Other Titans were allowed to keep their ‘natural’ gifts, because it served Amun’thul’s goals of ‘Ordering’ creation, and because Norgannon was weakened significantly by the process. Despite this, Norgannon is a very powerful entity but he has always acted at range, and acts more as a historian and scholar than a warrior, a leader, a crafter or a healer, never taking directly to the field or getting into the mix unless he has no choice. It was also his spell that ‘saved’ the Pantheon from Sargeras, but we learned in Legion that Sargeras had no intention of killing the Pantheon of Titans, he wanted to bind and enslave them to serve as his new Pantheon of Chaos, to stand with him against the Void as the Dark Titan burned all of Creation down to deny the Void any chance of stepping through to claim it for themselves.

And this will bring us to my final point, because dear sweet lord it is 1am and I am hurting.

Why does this matter to us?

The problem we’re facing is that the Titans appear to be mostly beholden to Amun’thul even when he’s being stupid and petty, and we just destroyed his Sacred Timeline that he was getting so possessive over, and in the skies above Dornogal … the Red Star of Argus has vanished.

We were told, when that thing disappeared, it meant “Bad Things :tm:” were heading our way. We’re also aware that Iridikron wants the Titans to come back so he can launch some kind of counter-attack on them to avenge their desecration of ‘his’ world, and we know that Xal’atath likewise intends to Void-ify the World Soul to create a Void Titan to directly oppose the Pantheon and allow her master, Dimensius, to actively step into our reality and start consuming all of it to fuel his power and allow him to rewrite everything into Void.

But we’ve also seen Titanic Keepers and Watchers rebelling against their Edicts. We just learned the ‘Thraedar’, or the fully-crystalized Earthen, were actually rebelling against the Titan Keeper(s) in charge of the Coreway after being exposed to the World Soul. We have Tyr running around trying to find his new purpose, and Odyn running around like a headless chicken desperately trying to get his old job back because Amun’thul is going to be very, very unhappy to learn that Odyn not only willingly worked with a Rival Pantheon and actively gave up an eye to them for secrets to create his Val’kyr, but actively sabotaged the Titans efforts on Azeroth because Odyn threw a hissy fit over being ignored by the other Keepers and Watchers for being a giant man-baby, let alone the horror-show that was what he did to Helya.

We know that Eonar is fond of mortals and doesn’t mind Chaos, given her relationship with Elune, and we also know both Golganneth and Khaz’goroth both have Elemental natures and enjoy both the natural world and their ‘ordering’ efforts turning dangerous worlds into ones capable of supporting organic life, and Life is Chaotic.

Zovaal said it himself, a universe divided cannot stand against what is to come. He may have been talking about Dimensius being able to enter the Mortal Realm directly, and with the Fel Pantheon a no-show, the Light Pantheon working through Naaru who have significantly more losses than wins, the Arcane Pantheon about ready to splinter into two feuding groups because Amun’thul keeps being an Uber-Boomer, and the Pantheon of death had their heads so far up their Magical Space Robot backsides that Chain Daddy and Denathrius were able to run rings around them. And Life? Life seems to not care because even if the Void wins, Life will still flourish, albeit in a horrifyingly cancerous form that will be denied the ‘privilege’ of dying without the Void’s consent.

We still haven’t found all the Titanic facilities on Azeroth. Hell, we still haven’t been to the other side of Azeroth yet. The Origination protocol is still ready to be fired if given the signal. The Titanic facilities in Northrend are still active and we saw the engines in Icecrown Citadel were more than able to turn on and start pumping Azerite to anyone with the right facility, and while you might need a Zerith facility to reshape the cosmos, I don’t doubt Amun’thul might not go up north, start snorting directly out of those exhaust ports and come back at us jacked up on jet fuel fumes and decide his hands are rated E for Everyone.

We have no idea just how far Amun’thul will go to try and reset everything to what he wants, and what we have seen of the Highfather, is that he does not take rejection or deviation from his agenda lightly, or well for that matter. We don’t know how many of the Titans will follow his lead, and how many might rebel to save their ‘sister’ within Azeroth, regardless of the cost to the cosmos.

We fought a new-born Titan on Argus, but Argus the Unmaker was weakened by hundreds of thousands of years of being drained to revive, rebuild and increase the Legion’s members, was shackled and weakened by five Titans sitting on their Thrones that allowed them to channel energies directly and not their own depleted reserves, and was driven mad by all of it. We’re going to be dealing with Titans who have millions of years of experience, who will be whole, fully charged and completely healed and have no interest in working with us because that’s like working with ants who’ve infested your new baby sister’s crib to keep her safe from the lunatics in the next apartment over.

I’m tired, hurting and need to take my meds, so I’m gonna cut this off here because I wanna die, or sleep, and at this point I’m easy on which option I get.

What are your thoughts?


You make some good and valid points Gentarn. I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t what was referenced in the Trinket from Legion called “Highfather’s Machination”. Never trusted the Titans, and now this new lore seems to confirm that and more.

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