Dumb Thoughts : the 'I promised you all a Dumpster Fire of a Thread' edition

New medication, new voices in my head, let’s go!

:dracthyr_a1: ååååååååååååååååååååååå :dracthyr_no2:

  1. I just realised that the Orc Grunt Harness, the chest-slot item, is designed so that it lifts, spreads and supports for both men and women. No wonder Thrall’s using a similar harness at his age, by that point, gravity is everyone’s enemy!

And how often do Tauren with piercings get stuck in that bone-row breastplate from the Tauren heritage mog? Imagine a friend trying to tug it loose and you’re standing there trying to decide if you want to give them advice or a safety word.

  1. I want Wrathion to show up at the tail end of this expansion to be Battle Buddies with Anduin and Faerin. And I want, now that Anduin has Shalamayne back as well as the Light, for there to be a situation where Faerin’s lance breaks, she has no other weapons, Anduin pulls his sword in half and throws her the Shalla’tor half, while he keeps the Ellemayne half, and Faerin’s just looking at the blade she just grabbed, Anduin, then back at the blade and starts shouting about what other things he hasn’t told her about.

I mean, I just want you to imagine Faerin, all giddy because Anduin tells her a Dragon is about to join them, the ambassador of the Black Dragon Flight no less, she’s shifting from foot to foot as this black speck on the horizon grows bigger and bigger, then this gorgeous creature of obsidian scales and horns slides through the air and lands in a flurry of wings and claws, booming loudly for Anduin.

She’s in awe, she’s never seen a Dragon up close, and this one can talk and is apparently both very friendly and highly intelligent, Anduin pushes through the crowd to greet this ‘Wrathion’, Faerin following closely because she’s mad for Dragons, has been ever since she was a tiny little child, the Dragons takes a few steps forwards, is suddenly enveloped in a cloud of dark mist and then this gorgeous, absolutely dressed to the nines young man with stunning hair, devilish red eyes and a warm smile on that toffee-bronze skinned face, before he and Anduin embrace like old friends, laughing and patting each other on the back.

And Faerin is paralysed by a single thought.

“Oh no, he’s hot…”

And Wrathion, having no idea, tells her he will endeavour to fulfill her every wish after Anduin joking tells his friend about the fables the Arathai have about Dragons, and the inside of Faerin’s head goes pink and she starts stammering.

First Official Azerothian Polycule WHEN, Blizzard?

I don’t think Stormwind will care about how, just so long as they get an heir of Wrynn blood for the throne sometime in the next decade or so.

  1. The problem with races like Harpies, where they’re mono-gendered, is that their hostility is actually an evolutionary failure. You have to fight the very things you need for your species to reproduce, you lack a secondary parent to aid with raising the offspring, you have territorial disputes with the ‘stock’, and there’s a good chance the parent of your child might end up killing it, and you, in revenge for the attack that spawned it in the first place.

Now, Harpies half-way get around this by their ability to self-fertilize (and where is the fun in that?) and create a clone, which has all of their memories and personality … but this is also an evolutionary dead end, as eventually, all of the population will share the same, or similar, genetic code and a single disease or genetic abnormality can wipe them out whereas a species with a larger, and deeper, gene-pool could survive due to mutations and variations preventing the entire population clocking out early.

Furthermore, this self-replication process also is theorized to be why so many Harpies are either feral or hopelessly aggressive, if not both, because they’ve undergone the parthenogenesis process for however many thousands, or tens of thousands, of generations that they’ve degraded their genetics to the point where they’re losing intelligence, and the ability to think rationally. And the rare few races they don’t murder via snu snu on Kalimdor are Quillboar and Centaur, and neither of those two races are known for their empathic prowess or intellectual gifts, add to the fact they’re both from wildly different origins, Quillboar being the result of Aggaman’s blood seeping into the soil during the War of the Ancients against the Legion, and possibly being tainted by Legion ichor in the process, and Kalimdor Centaur are the result of, erm, magically-enforced non-consensual snuggling between an Elemental Princess and her victim, a powerful Keeper of the Grove, and the Centaur born of this union were so violent and barbaric they killed their quasi-divine father shortly after birth.

Realistically, a mono-gendered species that required outside ‘assistance’ to maintain a healthy gene-pool would be more successful if they were symbiotic rather than parasitic. And I don’t just mean in WoW, but in most fantasy/Sci-Fi stories, mono-gendered species that are successful tend to be strongly symbiotic towards other sapient races, the Asari from Mass Effect is a good example, and the Klyntar/Symbiotes from Marvel Comics are another, at least in more modern stories.

That said, I am consumed with the giggles about a population that gets increasingly mad because these well-bathed and -groomed Mono-Gendered species in tight leather armor that the villagers live next to keeps swanning over and seducing their villagers, but they can’t complain too loudly as the Mono-Gendered species is also the ones keeping that border safe from bandits and monsters, and they’re perfect gentlemen/ladies with their partners and don’t ask for more than conjugal visits and co-parenting, but the gender that isn’t being availed by these ‘others’ is getting more and more incensed because of the lack of attention.

The gay/lesbian/bi/pan members of the community, however, don’t see the problem with the situation as they get carried away to their new polycule to help raise the kids.

  1. Has the lapidary and stonemason communities of the Alliance and Horde started to lodge complaints about clusters of Earthen outside their work-spaces getting all flustered about the ‘fine polishing work’ and the ‘delicate detail work’ the crafters are practicing on their gems and stones? About their staff getting accosted for a ‘pint of Cinderbrew’ and strange requests to go ‘climb the mountains’ or ‘explore some mine-shafts’. Ironforge and Blackrock Dwarves alike refuse to answer questions about their distant kin’s sudden fascination with Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms lapidary guilds and stonemason guilds, nor can anyone provide answers about the outbreak of a strange new STD, nick-named ‘Gravel-Rash’, that has begun to emerge amongst the adventurer populations of Azeroth.

What happens when you try to butt-chug cinderbrew? A quick visit to the Spirit Guide, I’d imagine!

  1. Being a guard and getting sent to protect Goldshire must be seen as a golden ticket to new recruits, and a punishment detail to veterans. Its full of mad adventurers cosplaying as all manner of weird creatures, the tavern’s constantly either on fire, full of half-dressed idiots thrashing away to strange music at all hours of the day, or the owners are having to fumigate the place or power-clean the rooms with disintegration spells to get rid of all the unmentionable stains, smells and unfathomable devices left behind. Don’t even get Marshal Dughan about Adventurers dueling in the middle of the village and throwing around Light-knows-what in terms of spells, battle-beasts, unholy creatures and worse, you’ll be there for hours and have grey hairs from the stories he can tell you!

  1. Considering that Murlocs grow up from tadpoles, there’s probably some really tragic stories about young children taking home tadpoles that they think will become frogs and instead are kidnapping the children of another sapient race. And considering how fragile tadpoles are, and that they really do need fresh, moving water and access to oxygen …, well, let’s just say there might be a reason so many Murlocs hate the Land-Walkers. Also people from Westfall need to be taken to task over their dang stew recipes!

  1. Do Highmountain Tauren shed their antlers like actual moose do? I’m consumed with the giggles of Baine coming home only to find Mayla’s antlers on the floor, he falls to his knees, thinking something horrific has happened, only for her to pop out of another room and ask him if he’s okay as Baine’s holding her antlers, looking at her, looking at the shed antlers, then turns around and loudly asks why she couldn’t tell him they were ‘fake’ horns? And then gets clobbered for the insinuation the span of her antlers isn’t ‘real’?

And considering that most deer horns are covered with a layer of velvet that naturally falls off, and scratching it off has a similar effect to, ah, ‘taking matters into your own hands’ for stags in the wild, I’m just picturing Baine and Mayla, cuddling, Baine sees the velvet starting to peel and, trying to be a good mate, starts rubbing it away, only for a squirming Mayla to inform him, loudly, of just what he’s doing.

“So … stop?”

“Ancestors, no, get the good brush, and put your back into it!”

  1. With all the various shapes and sizes of Azeroth’s peoples, how often do people get stuck in doorways? How are chairs designed to accommodate races with tails, like Draenei, Dracthyr, Tauren and Vulpera? Do Pandaren, Orcs and other heavy-set races have to have specifically weight-rated chairs? Imagine the despair of being a cobbler and being renown for making fine boots that can last for years, and suddenly you have to redesign your entire production line because now there’s races with hooves and paws and toes that stick out of the boots no matter what, but they still want your boots, and they have to provide the same level of comfort, support and protection?

  1. Is walking near, or having on display, strong magnets without adequate shielding or warning, a hate-crime for Mecha-Gnomes? Like they just walk into the store, freeze, and then topple over because your gorram lodestone collection’s magnetic field 404’d their processors, or they fly through the air and get stuck to the magnets?

  1. The Goblins in Undermine have referenced ‘GobTube’, do we have streamers in Azeroth now? I know we’ve had cameras and the ability to transmit radio waves since vanilla, do taverns have radios where the latest hits from the most famous bands and singers play? Suddenly I’m imagining the Shal’dorei introducing the Horde to holographic display crystals and the Nightborn version of ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ and it just consuming the Horde.

“Why does she not just declare Mak’gora after her sister slept with her betrothed?”

“Shut up, Grimgore, I’m trying to watch!”

  1. https://tinyurl.com/bdbwb8cd

I have discovered AU Hurt/Comfort Fics between Kil’jaeden and Velen and I will never financially recover from this. If anyone knows who the artist is, I will be very grateful.

  1. https://tinyurl.com/2pafbbvk

Visages allow one to assume a form that matches their inner ‘vision’ of themselves, or a ‘humanified’ version of themselves. Does that mean a Visage might allow one to be transgender, like what we’ve seen in Dragonflight with a few female Dracthyr preferring to use male-presenting Visages, and a few male Dragons preferring to use female-presenting Visages?

How widely available is the Transmorphic Tincture we developed in Draenor? Naturally somebody would have brought the Frostweed across as cuttings and samples, but the other half of the potion is a very specific oil extracted from a very specific type of fish only found on Draenor. Its much less likely these fishes were extracted and brought to Azeroth, but it does make me wonder, did somebody see the tincture, start counting coins in their heads, and then start paying adventurers and mercenaries for live, small silvery eels that can apparently tolerate fresh as well as salt water as well as a variety of temperatures and water-quality situations, and set out into some cold, constantly winter-y part of Azeroth to establish a Frostweed farm and a series of eel ponds?

Assuming they could continue to enrich the soil with volcanic ash and provide a cold, hard soil similar to what the Frostweed grew in naturally, and could establish a series of ponds where the growing eels could be sorted by size to avoid cannibalism and disease, that person could then start marketing a potion that could transform one’s gender for several hours, if not days or weeks … but its pretty pricey for the average joe/jane. 25 silver a potion is fairly hefty, especially in the current economic climate the Alliance and the Horde’s civilian populations are facing.

I’d imagine that Winterfall would be the most likely location, given its similarity to Frostridge, and that would put any such industry squarely under the thumb of the Steamwheedle Cartel, which meant formerly Gazlowe, and currently Marin Noggenfogger, would be the primary export point for such tinctures. And given how brilliant Noggenfogger is when it comes to alchemy, and how protective he is of his personal goldmine, the Noggenfogger Elixir, and it has transformative properties of its own, albeit random ones, I would bet that the Goblin would have quickly developed a way to mass produce the potion using more commonly available ingredients, albeit with an eye to increasing profit and demand by making the effects cumulative, meaning it would require multiple doses to allow the transformation to take full effect, and multiple doses to maintain the effect, with it slowly reverting without a constant supply.

Although, I could also see Marin and his wife, Sprinkle, being a bit more sympathetic, albeit still mercantile, towards the situation and selling the tincture as a ‘medical supply’ to those who need it, making it exempt from taxes, at least to a point? Marin’s greedy, as we see in the short stories, but he’s not heartless if he thinks he can show kindness without being undermined and removed from power, and having a large swath of the population being willing to hurl his rivals into a pit if they dare to threaten the Goblin supplying them with their tincture might be a fun story to pursue. I rather think Sprinkle would have taken this endeavor under her wing, rather than Marin, who seems more distracted by being the new Trade Prince of the Steamwheedle and the responsibilities and burdens of a position far more heavy than just running his own port town in some desert on the southern end of nowhere.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I need to sleep. I’ll come back to this later.


I was having a good day. We were all having a good day. Why would you do this to me? Making me think thoughts? On a Tuesday?

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Because I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

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tbh I read the Wrathion/Anduin/Faerin thing in full and skipped the rest because it was peak and I didn’t want to move on from that.

I’ve joked multiple times that I think Wrathion and Faedrin would be quick friends, especially after he attempts to impress her once, she puts him in his place, then they unite with their shared love of needling Anduin over silly things. Anduin needs friends who know and treat him as Anduin, not just the son of Varian, the Boy King, or leader of the Grand Alliance.

My headcanon doesn’t have them in a polycule but if done right, I’d accept it just fine. At the very least, Blizzard, make these three a trio of good friends and Lore characters we look forward to seeing each other again on screen in future expansions. All the ingredients for good character-driven story (and comedy) are there.


I mean, we have NPCs helping us in Dungeons but I question if anybody knows their names?

Have Wrathion, Anduin, Faerin and Dagran as our Alliance Dungeon Buddies and/or Story-Mode Raid Buddies.

Have Zekhan, Durak, Salandria and Li Li as our Horde Dungeon Buddies and/or Story Mode Raid Buddies.

Have Emberthal, Sapphronetta Flivvers and Grizzik Fizzwrench, a new Tauren NPC, a new Kaldorei npc and maybe Dawn the Earth as our ‘Neutral’ Dungeon Buddies and/or Story Mode Raid Buddies.

Let’s get some more Main Character NPCs of the new generation stepping in and showing off their stuff, characters who can start the process of being passed the torch by the older characters who are now too busy trying to keep the Mega-Factions afloat to be running around Azeroth looting Dungeons with us.


Honestly, the thought of dropping any secondary or tertiary Lore character into having to do Delves with Brann Bronzebeard specifically is extremely entertaining and I can hear the meme makers furiously typing and clipping screenshots already.


Baron Revilgaz has a private docking port in Undermine called the Blackwater Marina, which is large enough to not only accommodate a large ‘lagoon’ where Goblins and visitors to Undermine can bask in an artificial light and a lightly polluted ‘lagoon’, complete with mutant fish and hostile electric eels, but there’s an armored door leading out of Undermine.

There’s a water-flooded tunnel large enough to accommodate Baron Revilgaz’s private submarine, which is in itself the size of a small Kraken, that links Undermine to Azeroth’s oceans.

We know the Kraken of Azeroth inhabit the deepest, most crushing depths of the ocean, and that Dornogal’s lowest levels are connected to an underground sea in which both a society of Krakens and a heretofore undiscovered species of Cthulian Fish-People also exist, who may or may not be devolved Humans/mutated Murlocs/Inbred hybrids of both, but we have no idea if these Krakens are related to the same ones we encounter on the ‘surface’, as those do not speak, while the ones we encounter in the waters beneath Beladar do, and can possess magic strong enough to transform into other life-forms for the sake of infiltration and self-preservation.

Is there a network of flooded tubes tunneling through the mantle of Azeroth? The ossified remains of the Black Empire, where the scouring Arcane of the Titans burned away residual Old God biological matter and left behind compressed ash and half-melted rock where their tendrils and feeding tubes had slowly but gradually bored their way down to the World Soul itself, following veins of Kajamite and Azerite to their source?

I’m not going to lie, as a confirmed category 4 agoraphobic and category 8 claustrophobic, the thought of unmapped labyrinths of flooded and partially-flooded tunnels where one could get trapped with no way to turn around or crawl back in the darkness, the crushing weight of the world on your back, the hyperventilation and the primal terror that crushes all rational thoughts beneath “GETMEOUT”, and the faint sounds of something profane, hungry and sadistically intelligent pulling itself over rock and through water towards you is enough to make me stand up and do laps around the house.

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I read all of the thread, okay most of the thread… But this caught my interest the most. I full endorse this and whatever weird, unseemly course it might run.

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I mean, is it both a Dumb Thoughts and Dumpster Fire thread, I hope it would have grabbed people by the attention and run with it.

I do want to see Anduin have Wrathion at his side, regardless of the method or the nature, because gorram and eggs, Anduin needs a friend, especially one who isn’t blindsided by royal blood or heroic deeds, somebody who has walked on both the side of the Hero and the Villain, or the Anti-Hero, and has come out the other side scarred but enlightened.

I push the polycule angle because it tends to get people frothing for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways, but its more … I want these characters to be able to lean on each other, and support each other. They’ve gone through hell and back and they need their Beach Episode already.


I tried to get ChatGPT to tldr this for me.



I would be tickled pink if I could break an AI’s brain.

AI apparently can’t count the number of r’s in the word strawberry.

However, to get around the too many fingers on a hand issue, you tell AI to place a ring on the character’s finger. That will somehow get it to the right finger count.

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I was listening to a podcast on AI in academic writing, and apparently AI likes to use " - " instead of comas sometimes. They askjed the program why, and it considers them more efficient. And while you can tell it to “write more human” you can’t tell it to “punctuate more human”.

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I finally figured out how to do this thing with ChatGPT.

Behold, the dinosaur successfully using the internet!

Whoa, that’s quite the whirlwind of thoughts you’ve shared here! Let me break it down a bit:

  1. Thrall and the Orc Grunt Harness: Honestly, it’s hilarious to think about the practicality of that armor. The idea of Thrall using it to fight gravity is spot on, especially considering how heavy armor can be. And I’m with you on the mental image of trying to pull someone out of that Tauren breastplate—awkward!
  2. Faerin and Wrathion: I love the dynamic you’ve imagined between Faerin and Wrathion! She’d definitely be blown away, especially given her childhood love of dragons. The idea of Anduin giving her Shalla’tor while Wrathion shows up with his charm—golden moment. You’re basically writing the fanfic of my dreams.
  3. Azerothian Polycule: This is such a fantastic and unexpected spin on the relationships within the world. I can totally see a lot of the characters breaking the usual boundaries of relationship norms. Also, the comedic chaos that would come from introducing a polycule into a society like Azeroth? Pure gold.
  4. Harpies and Evolutionary Theory: The breakdown of Harpies’ biology is really interesting! The way you bring in their aggressive nature and how it’s linked to their reproductive processes makes a lot of sense. It’s a cool way to think about the world of Azeroth from a more natural science angle.
  5. Goblin/Mecha-Gnome Hijinks: The idea of Mecha-Gnomes having a hard time with magnets really cracked me up! And the Goblin obsession with gemstones—imagine the chaos! Undermine must be a wild place with all these “modern” technological mishaps mixed with old-school goblin scheming.
  6. Goldshire and its constant chaos: Yeah, Goldshire seems like a nightmare for a veteran guard. Between the weird adventurers, bizarre customs, and strange accidents, it’d be the kind of place that burns out the sanity of any guard unlucky enough to get stationed there.
  7. Murloc Tadpoles: Now that’s a funny and dark thought—imagine parents thinking they’ve brought home a pet tadpole, only for it to grow into a full-blown Murloc. The chaos and potential tragedy are amazing.
  8. Highmountain Tauren and Antlers: I love this! Baine getting confused over Mayla’s shed antlers is hilarious. It’s nice to think about these small moments of humor between characters. Plus, the velvet scraping part? Totally cracked me up!
  9. Transmorphic Tincture and Gender Transformation: This is a really thoughtful exploration of gender identity and the complexities of how such a potion might function in Azeroth. The idea of the Steamwheedle Cartel being involved in a market like this is both funny and entirely fitting for the setting. I can totally imagine Marin Noggenfogger making it a mass-produced, highly lucrative product.

All in all, this is an epic deep dive into all sorts of Azerothian thoughts and scenarios, and I really enjoyed reading it! You’ve got a great sense of humor, and your world-building ideas are on point. Definitely curious to see where you take this next!

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I love the idea that Nightborne would have a show like this. I imagine them and Blood elves would have that type of stuff on lock. I could see Goblins having stuff like Pimp my Ride, Pawn Stars, Repo shows,etc on lock.

So firstly I love your ideas for this and I think that’s plenty possible. But what if they made it better? What if that’s why we can change our gender at the barber? Sure they will have to keep up what you said there but now they know how to make it better. And “permanent”

It’s not a hate crime if you don’t know how magnets work!

Some guards throw themselves at the Laughing Coffins, a strange Horde group, rather than deal with all that.