Something that cropped up in my head today as I’m giving the house a massive clean.
Now, fair warning. I am probably not going to use the right terminology because we are talking about non-human sapient races. Dual-heritage is meant to imply a person with two cultural heritages, its probably not the right term for a multi-species hybrid of a person, but the English language is a hot mess to begin with, and I’m on some stupidly strong medication, including 50mg of prednisolone, and I’m not exactly firing on all cylinders, and I need something to distract me from this abhorrent flesh prison I find myself trapped inside of once again.
Please tell me if I use the wrong word, and give me context as to how it would be used if I do misstep so I can use the right terms the next time my brain worms start getting ornery. Thank you in advance.
We never did get Torkus that Pandaren Daikmakura, did we? I miss you, mate. We’re blaming this one on you, for old time’s sake.
We know that the Sapient Races of the Warcraft Setting can interbreed, and do so with regularity, but because of the past century of nonsense, there hasn’t been much mingling going on until recently.
Dual-heritage individuals, and people from two separate cultures, let alone races, are few and far between as a result of this. Me’dan, Arathor, Garona tend to be the only ones people can think of at the drop of a hat.
We have the current known mixes/dual-heritage/multi-racial hybrids in the game:
Half-Elves (Human and Elf)
Half-Orcs/Oshu’nei (Human and Orc for the former, Draenei and Orc for the latter)
Half-Dwarves (Human and Dwarf)
Mok’nathal/Half-Ogres (Orcs and Ogres, Humans and Ogres)
Half-Demons (Satyr and Kaldorei) mercifully removed from the setting between Warcraft III and WoW and thus not canon
We can also presume the following hybridized races also exist:
Half-Elf (Draenei and Elf, Orc and Elf, and Dwarf and Elf)
Half-Dwarf (Gnome and Dwarf, Elf and Dwarf, Orc and Dwarf)
Half-Tauren (Orc and Tauren, Troll and Tauren, Human and Tauren, Elf and Tauren)
Half-Orc (Tauren and Orc, Elf and Orc, Troll and Orc, Dwarf and Orc)
Half-Troll (Elf and Troll, Orc and Troll, Tauren and Troll, Human and Troll)
Half-Draenei (Elf and Draenei, Human and Draenei)
Half-Gnome (Dwarf and Gnome, Elf and Gnome, Human and Gnome, Goblin and Gnome)
Half-Goblins (Gnome and Goblin, Dwarf and Goblin, Orc and Goblin, Elf and Goblin, Human and … look, basically if its upright and the Goblin won’t explode or be flattened in the process, we can basically say ‘Yes’. Sometimes repeatedly.)
Now, the thing is, some of these hybridized ‘races’, lets call them ‘Heritages’ instead to avoid racially charged issues here, some of these Heritages come from dark places, from conflicts where one or both sides abused prisoners, and their power. But, for the current WoW, there’s also been several places, and long stretches of time, where hybrid heritage or dual-heritage individuals or groups can exist in both a playable sense, and a logical sense.
1) Hearthglen, aka the Argent Dawn/Crusade:
This one’s fairly obvious as its good-hearted people standing together to fight the Scourge, under the banner of the Light, but not necessarily being worshippers of the Light. Its a universal cause that almost every playable race can see the value of, and earns their respect. And the Argent Dawn has existed since the end of the Third War or the Chaos War as it is sometimes referred to, and was formed by Paladins and Priests who rejected the Humanist/Bigot leadership of the Scarlet Crusade.
This would eventually grow to include other races, so a young character born to this group would work, the Argent Dawn is somewhere between 18-20 years old at this point in the setting, so a child born of two Crusaders is not only quite likely, and would also likely be one the healthiest places for a child of two very different heritages to grow up. It might be heavy on Humans and Light-worship, but the Argent Dawn, and its new form, the Argent Crusade, are both incredibly tolerant of other faiths and species, but actively work to cooperate with even former enemies to help protect Azeroth from any form of evil, be it demonic, undead, Old God or draconic. The only threats they’ve never tackled has been the Horde and the Alliance, due to having members from both Mega-Factions and not wanting to splinter and harm their own forces by picking a side, for good or for ill.
However, with the Alliance laying claim to the Plaguelands in the aftermath of the Cataclysm and the belligerent intolerance the settlers displayed, both to their own commanders and any non-humans they encounter, either on their own side or opposing them, how the Argent Crusade will handle the Alliance claiming the Plaguelands as their own and possibly forcing the Argent Crusade to either disband or move the entirety of their forces to their bases in Northrend, which remain active with heavy populations of both Crusaders and civilians who support their effort.
It should be noted that the Paladins of the Silver Hand left the Crusade during the War of Thorns to fight the Horde, and the Argent Crusade remained neutral during these conflicts.
2) Shattrath City, Outland:
Home to Ogres, Arakkoa, Orcs, Draenei, Dwarves, Humans, High Elves, Goblins and Gnomes, Shattrath is one of the last habitable refuges in Outland, and even that is tenuous, with most of the civilian population dwelling in ‘the slums’, which is a mixture of tents, repurposed storehouses and partially-repaired ruins, from which the Draenei and Sin’dorei forces offer food, shelter, medicine and training, and in turn work in tandem to fight off Demons, raiders, ethereals and mutated beasts to keep the last City of Outland secure.
Despite the bad blood between the races, within Shattrath, the population seems to be rather tolerant of their own differences and work together with minimal fuss, one annoying loud apple vendor aside, there’s a lot of mixing amongst the civilian population and its highly likely that this break down of religious, racial and social barriers to eke out a living in a dying world has also resulted in hybrid children and dual-heritage families.
3) Any Goblin Town:
From Booty Bay to Bilgewater, from Fuselight-by-the-Sea to Bogpaddle, no matter where you’ll find Goblins, you’ll find shelter … for a price. From dock-workers to labourers, magical experts to technological geniuses, Goblins will hire anyone so long as their bottom line remains low and their profits remain high, and they don’t much care about who or what you are, or what you’ve done, so long as you don’t draw the wrong kind of attention or drive off potential customers and the trade they bring.
The thing is, we’ve precious few permanent Goblin settlements, either individually or in terms of their Cartels. Gadgetzan was their only known permanent settlement, but it got absolutely Shrek’d during the Cataclysm, and has only recently become habitable again when Trade Prince Donais managed to take advantage of the situation and reclaim much of the island, also abusing the large amount of Azerite, both in liquid and crystalized forms, to do so. Anyone born in or raised in a Goblin city likely grew up fast and rough, almost guaranteed either poor or in poverty, and belonged to a near-underclass of non-Goblin workers, which are traditionally Humans, Orcs, Ogres and Trolls, either prisoners taken and sold to the Goblins as slaves, or those whose financial debts compelled them to work under their new ‘employers’.
Despite this, more established and reliable Goblin Cities, such as Booty Bay and, to a lesser extent, Bilgewater Harbor, likely held a sizeable population of non-Goblins who held both valuable positions and comparative freedom. Criminals, ne’er-do-wells, desperate sorts and ambitious merchants alike all mixing together could result in quite a few interesting family dynamics, and the resulting children of such.
4) Any Mega-Faction City:
Its a simple historical fact that the larger the population, the less people care about intermarrying between racial or religious groups, with only the most close-minded or evil trying to portray this as something evil or unclean. Unfortunately, Human Beings in the real world are , and will remain for a long while yet.
Thankfully, we’re playing in Azeroth, and according to Blizzard, everyone is DTF and it doesn’t matter if they’re different races or the same gender, nobody bats an eyelid at it, and if you complain, we get to use the bat on you.
This does limit potential hybrid children/people to species within the Mega-Factions, but it does make it quite likely, especially since the ‘core’ of each Mega-Faction, Alliance (Human/Kaldorei/Dwarf/Gnome/Draenei) and Horde (Orc/Tauren/Troll/Sin’dorei) have existed for nearly … checks notes … Eighteen years, at least amongst the Horde. For the Alliance, they’ve probably existed for centuries in small numbers in the larger cities, specifically Dalaran (Half-Elves/Gnomes), Ironforge (Half Dwarves/Gnomes) and the Human Cities (Half-Elves/Dwarves/Gnomes).
Now, this brings me to the second part of the topic. Additional character options to reflect this mixed heritage/dual heritage/etc etc of the potential characters.
For Orcs, this could simply be new skin tones and smaller tusks to represent a mixed/dual heritage since Half-Orcs are often depicted as heavily favouring their Orcish parentage.
For Tauren, this is, again, more fur colourations and facial options, but could also use new head options to reflect Taunka and Yaungol Tribes.
Trolls, smaller tusks and shorter (or longer) ears, and please let the male Trolls stand upright already? We can share the same chiropractors that helped the Orcs and Mag’har Orcs, please. Please?
Goblins could do with some new face options and skin tones, possibly some tusk options?
Sin’dorei/Ren’dorei are an easy fit for the ‘Half Elf’ ears we’re gonna get with the Arathai Empire, and again, tusk options.
Humans, tusk options, forehead and jaw options, different skin tones, ear options. If there is one race on the planet with a terminal case of “Where are the holes?”, it is Humanity.
Dwarves could do with ear options, definitely new facial options, as could the Gnomes because young man/woman face and fifteen versions of Floridian magical rock addict is a burden this race does not need.
Draenei could do with some ear options, skin tones and jaw options, tusks, chins, etc.
Kaldorei could do with ear and skin tones.
Would it be crippling to include height sliders in WoW? I wouldn’t mind having some characters be shorter than others or taller than others, or fatter than others, even if the difference is minor, like a few minor bulk-outs or thinning parts on the body.
What are your thoughts?