Dumb Thoughts : Dragon Riding Shenanigans

So Dragon Riding is fast.

Absurdly fast.

So when we’re going full-blast and making those tight turns on the racing tracks, we’re doing this?

How often has an over-eager Drake and an inexperienced Rider gone skipping across the sea like a skipping stone because they misjudged their momentum and angle, or gone crashing through the trees before getting folded against a particularly large and weathered tree.

Do Dragons just go in the air, and is that why there had to be a peace treaty between the Centaurs and the Green Dragons?

Do Riding Drakes demand payment for their services? Mine do. Quite literally demanding a share of all the treasure and rewards we get. Is there a Riding Drake Union that works together to demand better care and resources for their members?

Do they know what happens to the other Drakes, Dragons and Proto-Drakes in our Stables?

Just some random thoughts that popped into my head during dinner.