So a rogue thought hit me today.
We know that the Void desperately wants a Void Titan to open up the way for the Void Lords to invade the Material Plane directly.
We know Y’Shaarj was so powerful even just his breath was able to infect Titan Keepers and Watchers with the negative emotions associated with this most powerful amongst the Old Gods. By his breath, his voice alone, this Old God could turn even the Titan Watchers by exploiting the darkest aspects of their nature, their emotions, and we’re never told just how dangerous its magic was, if its mere breath was able to overcome such powerful entities of Order.
Anger, Hatred, Violence, Fear, Doubt, Despair, and most disturbingly of all, Pride. All of these were weapons wielded with terrible malice and intelligence against all who stood against Y’shaarj’s ambitions.
And Amun’thul is a Proud Titan. The First Titan. The Titan of Time, able to see all, know all, comprehend all. But Pride is ‘good’ … until it becomes ‘bad’.
And Amun’thul reached down and directly ripped Y’Shaarj from the very crust of Azeroth with his own hand, full of ‘Anger’ and ‘Violence’ that the Old God was opposing his will. And in the process of doing so, not only did Amun’thul ‘kill’ the Old God, but he tore a gaping wound in the world so dire that it threatened the very existence of the World Soul, gripping his heart with ‘Fear’ and ‘Doubt’ over what he’d done.
We’d also see Amun’thul in the grips of dark emotions when he’d rip G’Hannir out of Azeroth, ‘Fear’-ing that it was Chaos in his ‘perfect Order’. ‘Doubt’-ing Eonir’s loyalty and commitment by fraternizing with a rival Pantheon. ‘Anger’ that anyone would bring a force of Chaos to Azeroth after all they’d done to Order it. ‘Pride’ that his course, his agenda, was the only one worth pursuing. ‘Hatred’ for Chaos, in all of its forms.
I have a theory that Amun’thul made a critical error in grabbing an Old God directly, as we’ve seen how corruptive and insidious Old God essence is even when they’re in torpor/stasis and horrifically depowered by the Titan Facilities that force them into such a state. How powerful, how dangerous, was Y’shaarj at the height of its power, flush with Void energy and raging at full strength against the greatest servants of the Titanic Pantheon.
And in that moment, where Y’shaarj and Amun’thul, both entities with the ability to cast their vision with almost flawless precision into past, present and future, collided both physically and magically, where Amun’thul’s anger had taken control, however briefly, that is the moment when Y’shaarj struck, knowing it could not win against the Pantheon, but it might yet provide either the Void Titan its masters, the Void Lords, so desperately needed, or topple the Titanic Pantheon from within by driving their leader into the darkest aspects of his emotions, fueling his Pride, his Doubt, his Fear and his Anger to the point where the Pantheon would either tear itself apart from within, or fall to corruption.
Either way, the Pantheon would be weakened and divided and be considerably less effective against the Void Lords’ plans.
What are your thoughts?