Dumb Thought: Xal'atath, the Ethereal homeworld of K'aresh, and the Blade of Bae's origins?

My brain is cheese and I have to get ready for work, so I’m putting this here so I don’t forget by the time I get home.

Xal’atath claims to enjoy having a body of flesh again after we let her assimilate into the body of a Ren’dorei. Old Gods don’t have ‘bodies’, they have sprawling, mountain-sized masses that sprawl and infest everything arodund them.

So what if … she’s the servant/‘Harbringer’ of Dimensius, the Void Lord who destroyed and corrupted K’aresh, homeworld of the Ethereals.

Dumb Thought, was Xal’atath the Speaker of her homeworld’s World Soul and after the invasion, she was co-opted by Dimensius? Considering the Void Lords were able to manifest one of their members into our level of reality but somehow, our reality hasn’t collapsed, and we were able to discorporate Dimensius’s body with very little actual problems, once we removed the Void macguffinites that were protecting his body from being harmed.

It makes a twisted kind of sense. Why would the Void Lords attack a world without a World Soul, and the Telogrus Rift where the Ren’dorei current call home is supposed to be part of the Ethereals’ lost homeworld.

The Void invades and takes over K’aresh, but rather than allow them to win and with Dimensius tearing the planet apart, literally, to get to the World Soul, while the Ethereals put up barriers to try and save their city, the Speaker chooses to destroy the World Soul rather than allow it to become corrupted. Thwarted and diminished by forcing itself into our layer of reality, Dimensisus consumes what remains of the World Soul’s arcane energies and forces the spirit of Xal’atath into the Black Blade, and grants it to the Old Gods who will be sent to Azeroth as a tool to aid them, since now bound, twisted and corrupted, Xal’atath serves both as a useful tool for the Old Gods’ work and a dire warning of what will happen should they fail the Void.

I’ll touch on this more in detail later with some additional quests and stuff, but I’ve got a ten hour shift and no will to live right now.

What if she’s a void lord.

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What if she’s a raid wing boss and is forgotten for the next three expansions after.

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I’d like something like this to be true for Xal. Maybe it would increase the chance of her being more involved past these expansions and not just be placed as a raid boss.

Does the speaker decide anything though?

I don’t think Magni really has total free will anymore. Even if he does, he wouldn’t do that unless it told him to.

I feel like the world soul decided that the void was going to win, so it self terminated by commanding the speaker to do it.

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What if she’s born with it? What if its Maybelline?

I don’t think Xal’atath is a Void Lord because, if she was, the Old Gods would never have worked against her. They return to the Void, they see all possible futures, they would have to know that even if the other Void Lords wouldn’t care about the loss of one of their own, they would respond furiously to mere servants that thought to rebel against the Void Lords, even indirectly.

And considering the build-up, I don’t think even Blizzard is tone-deaf enough to give Xal’atath the Red Shirt Treatment until at least the end of the trio of planned expansions, or at least the end of the second one. She’s too important to potential story and/or plot hooks, and lets be honest, we’re outta big bad villains for the players to hate and want to take down. Arthas got reduced to a spiritual fart cloud and completely ruined both his legacy and the threat of the Scourge, Deathwing got flushed like a particularly nasty clog of hair in the drain-pipe, Garrosh not only got kill-stolen by Thrall but ended up SUPER-DEAD courtesy of Shadowlands, so unless we put his ashes in a Maw-Sworn Rhoomba and strap Gorehowl to it, he’s officially gone and dusted, Sylvanas is good now UwU, the Legion is effectively defunct, Archimonde got the head-boop of forgiveness and explosions, Sargeras is in the Multiverse’s most awkward intervention meeting with the Titans and Illidan is his Plus One, the Old Gods are Dead Forever :tm: thanks to us and if they do come back, we fire the Titan Watchers of Ulduar out of a bedamned canon this time and the Twilight Hammer Cult became a non-entity really damn quick.

We don’t have anything for the heroes to Fixate on, and it’d be Story Suicide for them to have us kill Xal’atath this soon, after so much build up and hype and all the other nonsense.

I mean, our World Soul is sleeping and seems to be doing so until just before she awakens, so Magni’s acting on her behalf. If the same thing happened on K’aresh, and Xal’atath ended up being the only thing left for Dimensius to vent its fury upon …

The Old Gods tried screaming, howling and terrifying the World Soul of Azeroth into submission, as well as strait up attempting assimilation and infestation, and that didn’t work. So why not a Rival Speaker to Magni, one that works to depress and demoralize the sleeping World Soul, to convince it to give in to make the suffering and the terrors stop, to become a willing servant of the Void, retain at least some autonomy and be second only to the Void Lords themselves once they enter this level of reality, with her aid, and forever be untouchable by Old Gods or the lesser servants of the Void?

A Rival Speaker who can thwart and stymie Magni at every turn, one who has far more experience dealing with a World Soul writing in pain, terror and confusion as the Void tries to fuse with it than Magni can even imagine, for our World Soul is, at the moment, touched by the Void but not afflicted by it. Its still on that knife-edge between corruption and salvation, and if Xal’atath can tip that balance even a little, then her master will be satisfied.

Also, Xal’atath was used to absorb a fragment of N’Zoth, before the bulk of the Old God got LotR’d by us shooting World Soul Blood-Lasers into his eye. N’Zoth technically still has a foothold here on Azeroth and we never did learn what happened to the Black Blade after it was used to remove the carapace around N’Zoth’s core. Was it consumed to create the monstrosity we fought next, or was it whisked away by the Old God, who was counting on us being uninterested in an ‘old trinket’ after it had ‘done its job’, and even now, N’Zoth is attempting to twist our perceptions to finally succeed in its mission?

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