Dumb Thought: Were did the Primalists come from, and Knaifu Waifu had already stabbed us in the back

So like the title states, its rather odd that all these Primalists came from, and they’re all Shamanistic or Druidic races. The only races we don’t see amongst their numbers are Humans, Gnomes, Mag’har Orcs and Light-Forged Draenei.

That’s a literal army popping up out of nowhere, and we’ve had three years of rebuilding and trade agreements, with the Alliance likely scrutinizing every single movement to make sure the Horde Council is toeing the line and obeying both wording and spirit of the Peace Accords. So where did they come from?

And how did they make it to the Dragon Isles either just after or at the same time that the Aspects themselves did? The only living creatures who would even know the Dragon Isles existed would be the Dragons … or other entities that were alive before the Sundering and knew all the locations of the Titanic facilities.

And who did we release during the middle of the War of Thorns, who then sodded off through a Warp Gate after leaving us to get the most invasive case of pink-eye from N’Zoth the multiverse has ever seen, and apparently has been sitting just outside of the Veil, watching us ever since.

And we never did kill off all the Twilight Hammer Cultists, especially those who were faffing about in the ‘melded’ area between the Black Empire demi-plane and the Material Plane in which Azeroth exists.

And the biggest Dark Shaman still left on the planet, that we helped re-empower back in the Cataclysm and then sodded off and remained hidden ever since? Magotha Grimtotem.

We see Grimtotem leading the Primalists during the first arc of the Expansion, Kuranog Grimtotem, heading straight to the Forbidden Reach and unleashing Rasageth, without alerting the Dragonflights that something was up until it was too late.

The current working theory is that Knaifu Waifu Xal’atath and Magotha Grimtotem worked together. Magotha rallied the remaining Twilight Hammer cultists, the populations of Azeroth that had lost all hope after the very sky cracked open to reveal a new Hell-Dimension after no less than seven planetary apocalypses in as many years, not including continent and regional disasters that have reduced centuries of infrastructure to burnt-out rubble, and what fringe extremists of the Shamanistic races into an army.

It does make me wonder if the Primalists had an alliance of convenience with the Naga, after all, hiding their entire army underwater via use of the Nagas’ immense undersea bases made out of living creatures would be the perfect way to get the Primalist Army into position and keep them both alive and out of sight until the Dragon Aspects found a way to drop the barrier and return to the Dragon Isles.

The Naga had no interest in the Primal Incarnates, they just wanted the relics from the Forbidden Reach for their Queen’s return, and to facilitate the prophecies that would lead to such. The Primalists were, to them, throw-away pawns to draw the Heroes of Azeroth into a knock-down drag-out brawl while the Naga went about their work, and while we did topple their efforts on the Forbidden Reach, they tied us up long enough for the Primal Incarnates to move on to the next step of their plan unmolested.

We the waste more time in Zaralek Caverns while Fyrakk guzzles the Shadowflame down like a bus full of Weight Watchers at the desert buffet, allowing Iridikron to get the Infinite Flight to sign on since he plans on getting them their Aspect, Murozond, to be ‘born’ from the despairing husk of Nozdormu, and knows damn well that either we stop him and the Infinite Flight wins, or he extracts the essence of Galakrond, and either way, all the Titan puppets and races on Azeroth get curb stomped no matter which way this ends.

Either Murozond’s ‘blessing’ timeline happens and all life is extinguished on Azeroth, which will prompt the Titans to come around and reset everything to try and get their World Soul back and have to deal with the Twilight Flight which possesses immense Void powers and Iridikron is also chilling out in the Void just waiting to make his cheap shot against the Titans, or Galakrond’s essence ends up in Xal’atath’s hands and we get the same result, just with less genocide and thousands of Elementally-infused Proto-Drakes, Elemental Lords and whatever tentacular fun Knaifu Waifu has tucked away.

But getting back to the Primalists, did anyone bother to check up on whole swaths of the population disappearing in the chaos as the leaders of the Horde and Alliance scrambled to fill the gaps in their ranks and keep order? while we were off for two years in the Shadowlands, and then spent another three years slowly and painfully rebuilding back up from a global war economy that was the only thing still functioning after seven back-to-back apocalypses?

We’re not fighting randos. We’re fighting our own civilians, our own people who have had enough and have been told a sweet little lie that smooths out all the grudges and tensions between them due to old allegiances to Horde and Alliance. That this is the Titans’ doing, that they broke the world, then remade it as a prison, that we’re all rats in a maze, doomed to live, fight, suffer and die for a plan in which we have neither autonomy nor hope, all the while our world remains trapped in a fragile and artificial mockery of the true glory it once possessed.

It’s a rarely answered question when it comes to recruits for the next big bad. None of the dungeons or raids answer “Who’s recruiting them and how?” Pretty sure the Twilight’s Hammer got a lot more into that during Cataclysm and probably even Vanilla era than Dragonflight did about the Primalists.

Kurog crashes Thalyssra’s wedding and says some impudent and sophomoric crap about being a shaman of the earth and how dagrons are bad. He later ends up breaking the seal that holds Raszageth, with no indication of how he joined the Primalists.

Like, where’s all the leadup? Why did so many vulpera become windy boys and girls? Honestly, probably because they took one look at those sethrak-looking Titan Constructs and realized “Oh sands preserve us- all our problems stemmed from Titan construction”. As nomadic creatures born of the dunes that dealt with imprisonment and enslavement at the hands of order-made creatures… it’s an easy sell. But, the major problem? Nobody says that outright. Nobody makes that connection out loud.



There’s an old saying about it only taking one white crow …

Pipspark Thundersnap sure looks like a Gnome …

Personally, I do my best to not take player posts elsewhere as final authorities for anything I’d be willing to post here as within the frontier of canon. That goes for Wowpedia as well considering the omissions and errors I’ve come across there.

For that matter I don’t even trust that my own experience in-game is authoritative. IIRC it was several months - maybe even a year - before I encountered a Pandaren npc spirit in the Maw. So personally I’d be very reluctant to claim I have already encountered every single Primalist mob/add model. additionally, I’m not sure I can tell the difference between an Orc and a Maghar Orc when they’re completely covered with the Primalist appearance(s). Then there’s the important fact that DF isn’t over yet. We don’t know who is going to show up in the future (pun intended).

Not sure this applies to Pandaria, amongst other places.

I more or less think your theory is correct. I think a big thing you might not be considering is that it’s likely these people didn’t just up and join and leave over night. They probably went about their daily lives, getting further and further into this new religion. Communities also probably got brought in together. To other peoples’ perspective a bunch of people were becoming shamans and such and maybe had some bitterness for the Titans. Understandable and not immediately worth being concerned about since they probably weren’t breaking any laws or being nefarious at first. Not when there are definite threats still out there.

I rarely get the chance to do Primal Storm events! Wow, that’s actually even more interesting, because if the Primalists are recruiting even from races without Druidic/Shamanistic histories or sub-cultures, then that means they’re not relying upon religious differences or discrimination alone for recruitment.

Gnomes might be whimsical and light-hearted, but they’re also creatures of evidence-based logic and rationality, so being able to bring one of them in as a champion is saying something about their recruitment process. I’ll have to start trawling through Primal Storm areas a lot more thoroughly, good catch!