Inspired by
We’ve seen, with the aid of a minor Naaru and a powerful Priest, it is possible to raise a ‘Light Undead’ that functions in a very similar fashion to a normal Forsaken, but apparently has a form and state of being more similar to what the Val’kyr did to Sylvanas and Nathanos, being pseudo-alive and does not appear to rot and decay.
We know that the Forsaken are slowly but surely warming up to Cauliflower’s position in the Desolate Council, and that Paladins for All is an inevitability, and the fact we don’t have them yet is honestly a head-scratcher.
What if that’s what we’re going to see happen in the next three expansions? We saw in Battle for Azeroth that people in desperation were willing to embrace Undeath, either from the Forsaken or from other sources, if it meant saving their families or pursuing their goals. We’ve seen the Vampirates as a form of pseudo-living Undead, and we know that Blood-aligned Death Knights can mimic the ‘window-dressing’ properties of the living if they absorb and use enough life and stolen vitality to pull it off.
What if that’s how the Forsaken get rebranded? No longer the vengeful monsters who sought any and all methods of kill the Lich King that damned this to their existential hell, nor the embittered kill ‘em all zealots of the Banshee Queen Warchief, but now a unified and thoughtful community under the guidance of the Desolate Council. What if these Forsaken, once they gain access to Paladins, and using Cauliflower as a conduit, can channel both the Light and the power of the Shadowlands into the Dead, and even each other? Now, those who cannot bear to leave their loved ones, or who may yet be needed to handle the endless threats that menace Azeroth, are given a second chance at (Un)life in return for aligning with the Desolate Council and complying with the Forsakens’ new goal of undoing as much of the harm they have caused as possible while also keeping tabs on the Scourge and other rogue forces on Azeroth.
Much like the Primaris Marines from 40k, it could start out as friction between the ‘originals’ and these ‘upstarts’, but as the process is refined and more and more of the original generations can undergo the process, the Forsaken find themselves with a slow but stable restoration of their numbers, access to new minds and new viewpoints and ideas that come with them, and possibly a cure to the Forsakens’ plight of having chunks of their souls missing due to the harm caused by Arthas’s runeblade, Frostmourne, and by dint of his domination of the Undead of the Scourge, their spiritual and physical torment, transformation and enslavement under his control.
All those souls, all of them missing chunks due to the hunger of Frostmourne and the machinations of the Jailer, all those chunks of soul, all those loads of anima, being funnelled into his servants and weapons, is the canonical reason no Forsaken has ever been able to be raised into actual life again, as most dead or Undead have been able to be. Forsaken and the Scourge at large, unique amongst all Undead, on Azeroth, are unable to be resurrected as one of the living, especially if something else has control over, or has contaminated, their Soul. More-over, in the actual lore, bringing somebody back from the dead is immensely powerful magic and is extraordinarily draining on the spellcaster, requiring exhaustive rituals and places of power in which to perform those rituals.
Namely, the Altar of Storms, found in the Blasted Lands and at the base of Blackrock Mountain. That said, we have access to other Naaru, and the Sunwell is right there. A small pool in the center of a recently hallowed area where the Forsaken Paladins and Shadow Priests have created an altar in which one of the recently dead, or a properly prepared Forsaken, can be raised into this more advanced form of Undeath.
Or do I just need to be dragged outside and rolled back and forth on the grass again?