Dumb Resto Shammy, Holy Pally, Prot Pally, or BDK looking for raid and m+ home

Trying to find a guild that’s a good fit for me is a struggle and a half! Looking for a close-knit guild that has a spot for one of the above, especially with actively running m+ when it releases. Most days, other than Wednesdays, are open for raid.

See, I 100% want you, but I need you for my W/F raid … =(

Hello, the guild I’m raid lead of Shred Lobster - Stormrage sounds like it could be a good fit for you. We’ll be raiding Sundays 1700-1900 EST and Mondays 1600-1900 EST with the goal of obtaining AoTC and KSM for the people interested in mythic+. Currently in need of healers so you have open pick of which of the healers you’d like to play. If interested please reach out to me in discord Aaryssian because i sometimes don’t notice Bnet notifications.

Hello Daemonlilith,

I joined a guild for this xpac that I am quite happy with at Tryhardish. There is a wide variety of experience levels that lead to a more casual atmosphere. But, the officer team is knowledgeable and skilled while being dedicated to forming a positive environment. Avg age is probably in the 30s with a ton of working adults that want to game.

We currently are looking for some heals or a second tank for the raid team. Although anyone is open for an invite for M+ or other activities. Raid schedule is at 10-12 est Thursday and Saturday.

If that sounds like it might be a good fit for you, I invite you to check them out. Cheers,

Hello! If you’re looking for a more adult themed guild we at would love to have ya!

Check out our raid times below, and if works for you hit me up on discord (totaledfish)

Felweed Cartel sounds like it’s up your alley. We are a chill and social group looking for more raider and M+ enjoyers. My battle tag is Akuma#1322 if you wanna hit me up and join the discord