I’m leaning towards arms as everyone is fury.
I’m not sure, or I’m just not reading correctly,
But do we not have a snare/root break?
I know bladestorm can do it, but is that what warriors are doing and
Not using a good offensive cd to save it for these particular cc breaks?
Avatar break roots on use, and for fury if you are talented into Odyn’s fury giving avatar, Odyn’s fury will break roots too*
*assuming avatar is not already up.
Sometimes we can spell reflect the roots to negate them but it has to be used before the cast finishes.
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Off topic: I noticed you are a dracthyr warrior. I am planning to make one and curious if we can make our armory and log in display show our humanoid form instead?
TBH there aren’t that too many important root breaks for us in PvE. Tindral was the last one where I think it super mattered, and you could always have Bladestorm, Avatar, or Odyn’s Fury up to protect you during that encounter.
Queen Ansurek has a similar mechanic, but again thoes all line very well with cooldowns, AND you can spell reflect if for some reason you fat fingered your damage cooldown.
Outside of these two fights, most other roots/snares are avoidable, or its expected that a healer helps you.
Slayer’s Relentless pursuit talent, Avatar, Titan’s Torment, Bladestorm are the main ones, Spell Reflect can nullify some of them too pending fights.
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I wish. Current answer is no, otherwise i would be doing it. I only play in visage form.
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you can spell reflect the web/root in phase 1.