Dueling outside Org

Dads come on outside orgrimmar and duel ffs you need your damn excercise.

The one thing I find weird about classic/this server is the lack of dueling outside of Orgrimmar. Everything else is more busy here than my Vanilla server was except this.

Right?! The lack of people dueling is literally my only complaint here.

They probably dont duel anymore because no one has sportsmanship in this day and age and instead of learning together to get better people are jerks when they win.

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Fine fine, ill go. Ill be there tonight after i get home from work. 9pm ish sound good?

If BRM taught me enough. It’s there is little honor or humanity in WoW PvP. People use it to take out all their rage at life. That’s why emote trolling is fun. Watching someone run in circles spamming an aoe is funny. Sadly 60s see me pretty easily so no luck when stealthing through to BRS or BRD. Plus been in healing gear all, but 2 runs to there so I’m a no damage feral.

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Once BGs are out people will be bored in Org waiting for queues. That’s when dueling will become a regular thing.

will we have battle masters right away or are we gonna have to go to the WSG camp too que?