Duel-Wield/2-Hand in Dragonflight

I think you would be hostile and stubborn if the first thing you post you are called… wait…

I think it was. This forum isnt full of great people that know how to interact with others, you want the atmosphere to get better start reporting people like that guy. Otherwise its going to be twitter 2.0.

And some of Kellistes suggestions, would come with a playstyle nerf that im not too privy to. Reducing KM procs is a no go for me. Unless you guys come up with a way for people to have the same KM procs as we can have thoughout a fight then you might as well just stop now.

KM proccing off of FF while it would allow for the same KM procs between the weapons, im going to say no. As others have said that transmog is unacceptable, im going to say a reduction in gameplay is also unacceptable.

There are also many many people that post on classic toons or otherwise just because of the insults thrown around. Quit trying to back up these toxic people and start reporting them.

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yeah they were fairly common, also this comment did not age well as we are now seeing a resurgence of DW unholy in Wrath Classic and they are Blasting on the mters even in phase 1 when people said they wouldn’t be good till phase 3

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And that DW build is what exactly? Melee and pet damage doing the majority of the damage while everything else that makes unholy unholy is forgotten or doesnt do what people said.

Also, dks are getting icy talons twice. 20% from icy talons and again from improved icy talons.

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Disregarding everything else wrong with your view, even if that was the case which its not, That’s like saying BM isn’t a real hunter spec because its a lot of pet damage, what point are you even trying to prove in this thread? all your responses have been so troll.

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i just looked at the logs, the top damage sources are gargoyle, melee, the ghoul and army.

People were saying its disease damage and blood caked blade, but each disease is only about 3% damage each and blood caked strike is only about 2% when you factor in both weapons together.

And yes, Icy Talons and Improved Icy Talons are both giving 20% increased attack speed so a 2.6 weapon swings as fast as Hailstorm with no buffs at all.

Not to mention these arent long fights, they are only lasting around 90 seconds.

So no, what people see as unholy isnt being reflected in this playstyle. No scourge strikes, hardly any disease damage, over 40% of the damage done is from pets, and the rest comes from DnD and Death Coil, oh and melee damage being through the roof.

Not to mention we shouldnt be at 9k dps at this point, and we all know in icc 25m h gear we were at arounf 14k dps. Everything is going to be a pushover at this point.

YES! DW and 2H for ALL DKs!

The runeforge situation is simple. If all DKs have DW or 2H then we create 2H only runeforges that are combos of the 1H runeforges.
Look at Spellbreaking/Spellwarding. One is 2H only and is just double the 1H.
So we could have Rune of Razorice for 1H and Rune of the Frostreaper for 2H that is jsut double the values in Razorice.
Can also be Rune of Frozen Madness that is Razorice + Hysteria.
Or Rune of the Frozen Gargoyle, that’s Stoneskin Gargoyle + Razorice.

And that means we get more depth for our runeforging. Which would feel more filled out, at least from my perspective. Heck it means we could even see the return of cinderglacier.

What people dont understand is if you give everything to 2h that DW has then there is absolutely no point in DW at all.

Not to mention that you have to get another weapon for DW and there would be no benefit to it effectively killing DW altogether because some people hate DW.

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It’s how runes worked in WOTLK: Two hander runes could not be applied to DW.

DW was never intended to be important for DKs. It was thrown in last minute. It wasn’t discussed in the Behind the Scenes video, there was absolutely not one single piece of art done for DW when WOTLK came out, and when classic came out the WOTLK Classic art featured two handed DKs only, so Blizzard is acknowledging DW was always a mistake.

idc if they leave DW in but it’s time to remove any power bonus that DW offers. it’s a mistake, not remotely one single piece of DK class fantasy. Time to excise its focus entirely. Leave it as a choice, but never have it be a focus again.


I know how runeforges worked back in wrath, and these werent dps based runeforges. They were defensive runeforges.

You can say DW was never intended to be for DK’s all you want but thats not what the devs said. They wanted the DK to DW and if they couldnt make it work then they would scrap it, but it was absolutely intended to be a part of the DK. I know you hate DW, but get over it already.

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Can we get titan grip like warriors, with a haste buff too?

I think DW might actually be OP for Blood with Rune of Hysteria, you wouldnt heal for as much, but you could get way more heals in.

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You are completely missing the point. Some people actually want to play games in ways that are fun for them, regardless of what’s meta, and some people have more fun with fast attacking playstyles. But the fact still stands that DW Unholy is out dpsing everyone right now. You’re literally arguing against people saying “this is what I want to do” and you’re saying “no it’s not”…

DW Unholy morb spec is all the rage in WOTLK Classic right now. It’s killing the DPS meters.

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Missing what point. This is almost 1 month later.

But if people want to play something that is fun for them regardless of what is best then go do it. Just dont complain that it isnt as good. I include myself with that.

DW Unholy in Wrath Classic is just taking advantage of spells and 1 runeforge and Black Magic enchant to snapshot the pets. Weapon damage doesnt actually matter for the spec so they get quick weapons (sub 2 second).

But again the dps check fight Patchwerk is under a 2m fight currently.

But if you look at other fights where the pets cant really play that big of a role and you cant maximize it, this DW Unholy Pet build isnt this overall powerhouse. Its for quick fights and snapshotting your pets. If they could get the kill time on Patchwerk to around 40 seconds to 1m you will see an increase in dps numbers. People are already seeing it at a 1:24 second fight which increased its dps because its spending less time in the lower dps range that happens when it loses the pets.

Kell is our resident troll. Don’t feed it.


Yeah I know, I saw the reply notifications and was bored /shrug

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Blizzard disagrees on the troll part.

it’d be better if you were trolling because then at least you’d be aware


Do not engage. Not worth it. This person has made up their mind, and you are wrong. Just ignore, and enjoy the forums.


Aware of people seeing 10%… not even 10% of what I say but in fact going off of what others say who have my on ignore and have absolutely no clue what they are talking about and just ramble on about a bunch of nonsense?

Yeah im pretty aware that that is going on.

Is there any way other than the report button we can get some eyes on Kell’s posts? I don’t think they’ve ever had a positive interaction here with even a single person.

There really needs to be someone to manually review this and perma ban them from the forums. Literally all they do is go into a topic and start arguments.