Duel to The death?

I just did a test, and I didn’t get an ear, at level 10 killing a level 10 in a makgora. I was told it was level 10 to start obtaining ears?

From reading about the Mak’gora rules, it states you start at level 10 for the ears. There are currently bugs causing non SF players no access to AH buying and mail. Maybe this is yet another bug that needs to be reported in the bug forum?

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You can only collect ears at level 19 and up from what i have read.

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We’ve actually already made a quick adjustment here and raised the minimum level to earn or grant stacks of String of Ears to level 19.
Citaiton from here: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/blizzard-replies-to-concerns-about-classic-hardcore-string-of-ears-and-trading-333770?page=3

They could have corrected the official text :wink:

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It is at level 19 is what it was supposed to be at, but there is a glitch that occurs sometimes randomly to random players and on random toons that allows you to get ears below 19.

But 19 and up gives for sure. 5 to get String of ears buff. I got on mage. Then it died so moved it over to a reg server. Now it shows as tarnished soul debuff that I have no clue how to remove. That one sucks. SoI dying gives you tarnished soul. You can Mak Gora at any level though. Only 19 and only levels that would normally give you credit for an HK can give an ear. So no level 19 spam killing level 1s for ears for example.

Some sites have improper info about the ears. You do not have to loot them. They are auto put into your bags. Bags full? They go to your mail. You can get as many as your bags can hold, but there seems to be no extra buffs past the string of ears buff. So I would guess that 20 ears and 5 ears would give the exact same effect.

So once at 5, no need to risk it further so I believe.

Do they stack, or are you just getting a boatload of them?

No. I meant if your bags are 100% full and have zero room left. You content CS and then they mail it to you like that. My friend did that. It gave the 180 auto retore thing to him or w/e for lost loot. You look them kinda. They get put into your bags auto. And they stack. So only if you are full in every bag slot would you not get one. He said that happened to him. Many site say that only level 19 and above can you begin to earn them, but that seems not to be the case.

And you go to do one, common trick is for the person you are doing the MG to flag for PvP, you hit, they hit you, you get flagged for PvP, their stealth friend ganks you and they get a free ear. 5 for the string of ear buff. And the special title for many more? It may or may not exist. Didn’t get enough to find out and different sources say different things about that.

For how long have you kept the Tarnished Soul debuff? For me it disappeared after a short time - 2 weeks, maybe. And I wanted it to stay!

I didnt keep logging in when i saw that. So I dont know if it went away on its own already. already been past two weeks.

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