Duck Druid Flight Form

Can we get the Duck flight form for the boss from druids? I know we just got forms in the Emerald Dream patch, but if the work is already done and there’s also a druid who uses it for his flight form, then can we just have it? :slight_smile:


Never know…duck flight form may be a thing they’re adding in War Within but who’s to say at this point. I just know they like testing how people respond to things by giving things to NPC first

PLEASE that would be so cute :sob: And if they made it customizable with different hats like pepe. Or hell, just give us pepe as a form.


+100000 to this.

how my first clear of the WB went today, because I was NOT paying attention during the quest:

-WB: speaks in awesome duck puns
-Me, in /s: IT TALKS!?!?!?
-Some kind soul: It’s a druid!

Blizz, I beg. I’m ducking begging you, add duck form.

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The duck is the flight form, travel form, and aquatic form of the gnome druid.

God this would be everything. And it’d be nice to have a flight form that isn’t ENORMOUS.

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It might be nice to have an option for that. Like, instead of a slider (that seems like something they might avoid), they could just let you set the size via large, medium, small.


If they did that I’d have to start clamoring for player height even more, but I could definitely see them doing it like that. Sliders do sound like they’d be crazy complicated to implement in a game that isn’t build with them already

That’s what I was thinking. I know nothing about game developing, but I feel like they might have to redo the whole system if they wanted to implement that. You know, like rebuilding from the ground up. If that’s true, I doubt they’d be willing to go that far, but I do hope they add SOME more customizations. Some races are seriously lacking.

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Oh yeah, draenei still have fewer customizations than LF, lol. And they’re not even the worst off.

If mages can get a holiday polymorph I see no reason why druids shouldn’t be allowed holiday forms.

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We can’t even get the Duck Disguiser toy to work with having all options on one toon, much less getting a Druid form.

Maybe next year they can add a glyph for druids to get duck flight form from Noblegarden?

Please either have it drop from eggs, or have it on the vendor or at a high drop rate from the boss. Maybe even make it BOE so that it can be sold on the AH. :smiley: