Duck Disguiser unlocked colors unusable on other characters

The color unlocks for the Duck Disguiser toy can only be accessed by the one character who used the unlock item, not other characters on the WoW account who later use the toy.

I hope this is not intentional!


Accompanying this issue: If you don’t do the quest at all on a character, then they are given no color options when they use the toy if it is already learned.


Yeah, confirmed. I did the quest line 6x and didn’t check along the way and just realized that each character only unlocked one color and it’s not granted to others. Surely, this can’t be intentional.


Is this quest even repeatable? If one character can only do the quest once, no character can have access to more than one color, which is fairly weird.


No, at least for the year. The daily afterward doesn’t grant additional appearances either. Seems like an oversight since I’m not sure of any other toy that doesn’t unlock appearances across characters. I know it would fit with the new 1% mount boss (sigh), but taking 6 years for appearances seems a bit much.


Came here to post the same issue, hopefully this get’s hotfixed considering the event only runs for a week


I was going to be posting the same thing after doing it on my main and 5 alts… but alas… it’s already here. Same issue though, it’s certainly not shared.


Yeah I was expecting them to be available account wide but no, only individuals get the disguise they selected.


PLEASE everyone submit go to wherever we are supposed to go to submit feedback and suggestions (the dumpster?) This is extremely tone deaf again and another in a long list of recent decisions focused on play metrics and subs rather than us, the players. Having to do this for six years AND making the toy worthless for any alts made after the event is another toxic choice.


When i’m in a dumb game design decision competition, and my opponent is blizzard :skull:


I only did it once on my main and then i chose pink and then it wont show up for me when i use toy ?

Sometimes the blues end up being incorrect and I really hope this is one of those times. What happened to the promise to respect players’ time?


Based on the past several months and all of the decisions made that only receive minor adjustment after a plethora of player complaints, it seems like they’ve taken the exact opposite approach. Feels like we had finally made real progress towards player friendliness after years upon years, but as soon as the Microsoft deal was being finalized that was all thrown out the window.


I knew Blizzard was incompetent and out-of-touch, but I didn’t expect them to achieve this level. It really is true, the only company that can outdo Blizzard is Blizzard.

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did you learn it?

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i did now idk it was a separate thing ihad to do i thought once u earned toy it would work lol :joy:

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i accomplished my good deed early in the day.

now i can let my inner taz devil loose

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This is not what I call respecting players time. If this is intended, what a sick joke.


ok so I also picked the pink bunny and put it in Toy Box. It doesn’t work, I get no choices. What do I do to ‘lean it’ ???

Same issue here. There is no way this is intentional. Please make the colors account wide Blizz. 6 years for each toon is insane. Especially if you want us to branch out and try different or even new classes.