Duck Disguiser color variants


you are really really really overestimating how much anyone cares about this trash toy.

This is the main thing, the actual item itself is irrelevant, it’s the utter nonsensical 6 year long and single character restriction that is the complaint. People coming out of the woodwork to voice repeatedly that they don’t care (which is a contradiction) doesnt help matters.


No I’m not. People been talking about this nonstop and seem to really hate the time period this takes. I see this is yet another tactic that Microsoft has used across multiple of their other games to force people to grind and play to feed off of the FOMO that so many people have. This is just predatory business. There is nothing ethical about doing this at all.

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They care so much that they don’t want anyone else to care. :sweat_smile:


Nobody on the face of the earth expects you to commit to this toy for 6 years. You are 100% going to forget this toy even exists within the next month. MOVE ON.

I’m tired of people complaining, you know that I’ve said this, you’re calling me a broken record and yet there are now 5 posts regarding this with you and your friends saying the same thing over and over again.

You’ve devolved into sending gifs of bugs bunny because you can’t even respond to any retorts knowiing all you can do is repeat yourself.

You are repeating the same action and expecting a different result. That is the very definition of insanity. The rest of us are trying to get something changed.


so are you. and no you aren’t trying to change anything. you’re complaining about the same non issue over and over.

it’s like going outside when it’s raining and just saying i wish it would stop raining for 10 hours.

Incorrect. I am not. I have voiced my complaints, yes, but with the intention of trying to force a change. They have caved to public pressure on more than one occasion. As I have said before, it’s not about the item in question. It’s the design philosophy that runs contradictory to what they said during and since Blizzcon. It’s not my problem that you are so full of hate and conceit that you can’t see it.


Blizzard does.

Also please try not to respond to my posts, person favoriting that other person’s posts telling people to kill themslves from this morning.


No. The actual original Blizzard team was never this predatory. This is done by the people who bought out Blizzard and turned it into what it is today.

you are voicing the same complaints over and over and over. you’re not trying to force a change, you’re arguing with people on a forum and trying to feel superior by defending people complaining on the wrong forum to begin with.

the design philosophy doesn’t matter because the item doesn’t matter. also you get the item right away. there’s nothing extra you need to collect. warbands, mog, reputation, all of that makes sense when factoring in how easy they are to aquire on alts.

turning into a blue duck instead of a red one on a throwaway garbage item does not.

it is your problem that you feel the need to go on and on for hours on a forum complaining about a duck color in a 20 year old mmo.

wrong. blizzard does not care or expect you to care about the duck color varients. maybe you have ocd and think that it’s something that matters to people but it doesn’t. they threw this event together and forgot about it. the toy was just a silly reward that they didn’t think twice about, and the issue is so non-existant that it is not worth anyone’s time to think twice about it.

Seems fine. Gives you a reason to go back and do it again.

I would actually spend 6 years grinding for it if it were a mount or a pet. A duck mount? Yea. That would be cool. Its a toy so I will spend 0 time on it.

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… so, yeah, Blizzard.

I will continue to post my discontent as I wish, and you have no right to tell others what they can and cannot post. You also cannot dictate what is important. At this point, the only true rage I see in these threads is you. And we have all seen what you agree with, so you have zero moral high ground to stand on. That caved beneath your feet a while ago. Heck, I’m not even mad. That’s the amusing part. Just about everyone else is confused and/or disappointed to varying degrees, and that is where I fit in. You just fail to understand the point, and it’s honestly quite sad. I’m not surprised though. I would suggest taking your own advice and moving on.


Nearly all of the original Blizzard team HATE the current Blizzard team.

What are you hoping to accomplish with these non-sequitur replies?